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Olivia froze when she heard her husband say those words to her. She was shocked to hear Elliot tell her that, after weeks of hating her and never voicing the fact he loved her still.

"Olivia, are you ready to leave?" Dr. Cortez asked softly. Olivia bit her lip before shaking her head. She slowly stepped back before turning to face her husband.

"Elliot, you don't have to lie to me. If you don't have feelings anymore for me, I'd completely understand. I won't keep you from the girls and I will be out of the house before you get released. Okay?" Olivia breathed, as she kept her distance from her husband.

"I'm not lying, Liv... I love you still." Elliot spoke.

"A-are you sure?"

"I am... so when I get released, will you and the girls still be at the house?"

"If that is what you want." Olivia replied nervously.

"That is what I want..." Elliot trailed off. Olivia nodded before turning to leave again, but once more Elliot stopped her.



"Can you bring Lou and Letty up next time? I miss my girls."

"If Dr. Cortez says yes, then sure. I'll bring them up."


Olivia got home long after the Thanksgiving activities had ended. The girls were already in bed, and Olivia's in-laws were drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey! How'd your visit go?" Bernie asked eagerly, as Olivia shut the door before shedding her jacket.

"It was okay." Olivia replied plainly.

"How is he doing?" Bernie questioned, since Joseph was just sipping his coffee in silence. He didn't agree with tricking his daughter-in-law into visiting Elliot when she hadn't wanted to.

"He is still angry, but his medicine is working along with therapy. Dr. Cortez told me that he won't be home until after the new year."

"And will you and the kids be here when he gets back?" Joseph asked quietly.

"Uh, I think so. Elliot asked me if we will be here, and if he wants that, then I want it too. So until he changes his mind, we will stay together for the sake of his mental health and our girls." Olivia explained.

"I'm glad that you and El are still together. It makes me happy, especially because I hate to think about losing you and my grandbabies." Bernie smiled softly. She stood and went to hug Olivia, but Olivia put her hands up.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like being touched right now. I have work in the morning, and a lot on my mind right now. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is okay! If you need us at all overnight, please just come get us. I'm more than willing to make sure you have someone to talk to."


It was about a month before Elliot was allowed visitors again. He could receive calls, and Olivia called Elliot three times a week. For the sake of their children, Olivia wanted to make sure that she put forth effort in keeping their marriage together.

"Daddy!" Lou exclaimed, the day that she got to see her father again. It was Christmas Eve, and Olivia wanted to make sure her husband wasn't lonely for the entire holiday.

"Louise! God, you've gotten so big!" Elliot exclaimed, a smile spread out over his bearded face.

"Papa said the same thing!" Lou giggled, as she clung to her father's legs. Elliot pulled his daughter up and into his arms, before hugging her tightly.

Olivia slowly moved over to where Elliot stood, as Letty hid her face in Olivia's hair.

"Hey, babe." Elliot smiled when he noticed his wife and youngest daughter.

"Hey, El. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. Better now that I get to see you three." Elliot grinned. He leaned in and kissed his wife a few times, before sitting Lou on her feet and going to grab Letty. 

The little girl screamed and clung to her mother as Elliot stumbled back quickly.

"Is she okay?" Elliot breathed, and Olivia nodded as she rubbed Violet's back.

"Yeah, she's fine. It's just been awhile since she saw you. But she'll warm up. Why don't we all sit down and just talk. Letty will relax soon."

Elliot sat down on the floor with Lou and they colored together as Olivia worked on getting Letty to relax. They talked a little bit, but Elliot was upset about Letty not remembering him. He had expected her to be just as excited to see him, as he was to see her.

"Dada?" Letty questioned, after nearly a half hour of crying and whimpering.

"Yeah, that's Dada." Olivia smiled, as she pointed at her husband. Elliot turned around quickly and waved at Letty, before taking her into his arms.

"Liv, I don't want this to happen again." Elliot breathed as he locked eyes with his wife.

"What do you mean?" Olivia replied.

"I can't let Letty forget about me again. I don't want to hear those cries and how she wouldn't even let me touch her. I wanna go home. Today."

"T-today? El, Dr. Cortez said that you can't come home until next month. Maybe at the latest February."

"No, today. I gotta get out of here, Liv. I can't stand being away from my family for any longer! So please, get me out of here." Elliot begged.

Olivia looked over at Lou, who quickly nodded her head. Olivia was wishing that her daughters didn't have to hear this, especially since she was worried that if they all went home together, Elliot would become angry and manic again.

"I don't know." She frowned.

"You don't know? Or do you not want me there?" Elliot snapped.

"I want you there, El! But this isn't something we can decide in a day! The specialists here know what they are doing, and they have your best interest at heart. I do too. Baby, I don't want you to get out too soon and to hit rock bottom again. I don't want you to be taken away." Olivia frowned as tears burned her eyes.

"Liv, I'll be fine. Please, just sign me out and take me home. The girls need me... you need me! We can start looking for a house and maybe trying for a baby! So what do you say? Can I get out of here today?"

Coming Home [A Bensler Fan Fic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin