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tw: suicidal thoughts and topics

Sara looked at Olivia and was beyond confused by her words. She didn't believe what Olivia said, especially since she had seen the way Elliot looks at Olivia. They always looked so in love.

"Elliot loves you, Olivia. He is your other half and if anyone told you otherwise, then they are wrong." Sara spoke quickly.

"Elliot told me that, Sara. He doesn't love me anymore... instead, he hates me. He said that he wasted the last year of his life on me, and I agree. He's going to file for divorce, and I will lose everything. I will lose my children, my husband, his family. He's going to chase me out of New York, and I won't even make it out of the city with my life." Olivia whispered.

"Olivia, do you-"

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine... so I am going to go to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Olivia spoke. She climbed into bed and buried herself under the blankets.

Sara stood in shock, and didn't know if she should call someone to inform them of what Olivia had said, or if she should just keep an eye on Olivia to make sure she doesn't do anything.


"Good night, Aunt Sara. I love you."


While Sara was panicking back at home, Elliot was just getting home from his shift. He had stopped and picked up a bottle of whiskey, and he went straight to the backyard to nurse it.

"When did you get home?" Bernie asked, as she slid open the back door. Elliot looked over his shoulder before sighing.

"Ma, go inside." He ordered.

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that. I am your mother and this is my house. You are my child, and if I want to ask you questions, then I can. So when did you get home?" Bernie spoke quickly and sternly.

"I just got home." Elliot sighed. He wanted to fight, but not his mother. He wanted to fight his wife, and to make her pay.

"Did you have any time to think? Because we miss Olivia and the girls." Bernie breathed.



"Mother, I don't care if you miss them! They aren't coming home, because I'm filing for a divorce. I need to number for your lawyer." Elliot spoke, before cracking the seal on his bottle and taking a long sip of whiskey.

"W-what?" Bernie asked weakly.

"I don't want to be married to Olivia anymore. She's horrible, and I'm unhappy with her. So I'm breaking up with her. I should have done it long ago, especially since she's kinda a bitch." Elliot sighed.

Bernie stared at him in horror, before turning and going inside. She went straight up the stairs and into the bedroom she shares with her husband. Joseph was just about to fall asleep when Bernie turned on the lights.

"Bernie? What are you doing?" Joseph yawned as he covered his eyes.

"I'm getting dressed and I'm going to find our daughter-in-law." Bernie sniffled. She was moving very fast, and this resembled one of her manic episodes.


"I'm still on my medicine. I have taken it every day for years... I'm going to get Olivia and bring her home. I'm bringing those babies home too." Bernie cried.

"Elliot kicked her out. I know that we don't support what he did, but he's our son. Unfortunately, we must support him." Joseph spoke as he climbed out of bed. He walked to Bernie, but was quickly shoved away as she finished getting dressed.

"I want him out of my house, Joe."


"Son or not, he's a monster. He wants to get a divorce!"

Joseph frowned, before nodding.

"Okay, he's gone." Joseph spoke.

"Really?" Bernie asked, and Joseph nodded.

"Really. I'll go kick him out, and you can go and get our girls. Bring all three of them back... not just the grandbabies."


Bernie arrived at Sara's house long after everyone had fallen asleep. Sara was sleeping on the couch so she wouldn't sleep well and listen for Olivia, so she also was able to answer the door when Bernie showed up.

"Mrs. Stabler! What are you doing here?" Sara asked.

"Is Liv still here?" Bernie questioned.

"Yeah, she's upstairs sleeping. Why?" Sara yawned.

"I'm here to bring her home." Bernie smiled weakly.

"Did Elliot finally come to his senses?"

"What? No... he hasn't, but that isn't stopping me from seeing my girls. Joe is kicking Elliot out, and we are bringing the girls home." Bernie smiled.

"He won't leave without a fight, Bernie... and anyway, I can't let Olivia leave. Not after what she said tonight." Sara replied.

"What do you mean?" Bernie asked, once Sara finally let her into the house.

Sara stayed silent for a moment, before nervously looking at the older woman.

"If Elliot truly breaks up with her... I don't think she has plans on living." Sara whispered.

"She's suicidal?" Bernie whispered as tears burned her eyes.

"I think so, but I don't know what to do about it... I think Elliot said some pretty nasty things to her today, and she can't deal with that. It scares me." Sara sniffled.

Bernie stepped forward and hugged the younger woman before moving to the stairs to see Olivia.


Joseph sat on the front steps of his house with an ice pack placed against his nose. When he had kicked Elliot out, Elliot fought him hard. There had been punches thrown, and eventually the cops had been called by one of the neighbors. Elliot was taken away, and now Joseph was just waiting for Bernie to come home with Olivia and the babies.

"What happened?!" Bernie exclaimed, as she got out of her car and hurried to where her husband sat.

"Nothing. Where are the girls?" Joseph asked, and Bernie swallowed hard as she focused on her husband's nose.

"This may be broken. I should take you to the-"

"Bernadette, what happened?" Joseph questioned, as he looked down at his wife. Bernie swallowed hard before turning to look at the car.

"Lou and Letty are sleeping in the car... Olivia let me bring them home but she didn't want to come. She said that she wants us to take care of the girls... she's lost Joseph, and I'm scared that we won't just be giving her a break. I'm scared that she'll do something, that no one can stop."

Coming Home [A Bensler Fan Fic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora