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The girls were really confused about what was happening, so Olivia explained everything to them. They couldn't believe that Evelyn and their father had been arrested for trying to frame Olivia and many other things.

"Liv?" Jackie whispered as she opened the door to her sister's room. Olivia was laying in bed with Elliot and Lou, but she wasn't sleeping like them.

"Yeah?" Olivia yawned as she sat up and looked at her sister.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course." Olivia whispered back. She climbed out of bed and checked on Letty before following her sister down the hall.

They went into Jackie's room, and Olivia was surprised to see Penny and Colleen in there, too.

"I didn't think you'd all want to talk." Olivia spoke, as she shut the door.

"Liv, it's been six days since Mom died and a ton of shit has happened. More than I ever thought could happen." Jackie frowned.

"I know, but what did you expect? Nothing is easy around here when Evelyn is involved."

"Do you know what is going to happen? Like is Dad going to jail?"

"They haven't told me a lot about that yet. I just know that I'm your guardian until they can contact someone else."

"What?" Penny questioned, and Olivia frowned as she sank down onto the bottom of the bed.

"Girls, I can't take care of you all. I have the girls, and I need to get a job. Elliot and I are moving in together at the end of the month, and staying here is just screwing with me. It's bringing me to places I haven't been in forever."

"So are we going into foster care?" Colleen asked, and Olivia was quick to shake her head.

"No! I'm trying to get in contact with Aunt Sara."

"Do you think she'd want to be around us?" Penny whispered.

"Aunt Sara loves us, no matter what. Even if we all look like Mama and it might hurt to be around us sometimes." Olivia replied.

"Will we have to stay here? Or move to Boston?"

"You will be staying here... and I'm sorry that I can't be here and taking care of you..."

"We don't want you to get depressed again." 

"I don't want to get depressed again either... or get worse than I already am. But we have till the end of the month to figure things out. Like when you guys want to head back to school..."

"I haven't even been thinking about school. We have been focusing so much on Evelyn and mom's passing, that school has been the last thing on my mind."

"Just think about it. It doesn't have to be this week, or the next one. But it needs to be, eventually."


Now, with a plan, Olivia felt like she could control things a little better. She kept applying to more places, before eventually getting two jobs near their new apartment. The first was at a pizza place and the other one was night cleaning at Elliot's precinct.

She started those two weeks after her mother passed, and when things started to move in regards to her father and sister's cases.

"Nice uniform." Elliot smiled as he met Olivia outside of the pizza place. 

"Thanks." Olivia grumbled before stepping close to Elliot. She kissed him several times before Elliot looped his arm around her waist and led her to a bench.

"So I brought you lunch." Elliot smiled.

"That makes up for the teasing." Olivia replied. They sank down together and Elliot passed her a bag. 

"Is there another reason why you wanted to meet up for my lunch?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Actually, there is. I was visited by the detectives that tried to arrest you and then arrested your father and sister."

"Okay? Do they have an update on the case? The girls keep asking me, and so does Aunt Sara. She wants to know if my father will be coming back to take care of the girls, or if she should accept that transfer and move back here."

"Your sister accepted a deal and is going to rehab, but your father refuses to admit he did anything wrong. He still insists that you are the one that is supplying the drugs for Eve." Elliot frowned. He reached over and rubbed Olivia's thigh gently as she tried to figure out what to say. She wasn't surprised that her father wouldn't admit that he did something wrong.

"Do you think they will just give up? Or-"

"Babe, I think that they are going to have you tell them everything that happened."

"Like what really happens? Not the lies he has been feeding them?"


"I hope he just cracks so I don't have to do that."


"Mr. Benson." Elliot spoke as he went to see Olivia's father after work. Trace was chilling on Riker's Island as the cops waited for him to crack.

"Elliot, what are you doing here?" Trace grumbled as he looked down at his cuffed hands.

"We need to talk."

"Are you finally taking Olivia away? Get her out of the state and away from my family."

"Trace, stop being a dick. Olivia isn't in the wrong here. Can't you see that you are the one doing bad things? I am completely certain that Serena would be so angry at you for pulling this shit. So I'm here to tell you that you need to just come clean. They will be easier on you if you admit to your wrongdoing." Elliot sighed.

"I'm not the one-"

"You blamed your firstborn, the girl that made you a father, for the shitty decisions that Evelyn has made. Olivia didn't tell Evelyn to start doing drugs, or to steal things to continue with her addiction. Olivia left because she was done with getting treated like shit. Evelyn is the one that made Olivia leave."

"Evelyn is not at fault. Olivia introduced her to a ton of different drugs, and it's all Olivia's fault. She should be sitting here, not me."

"You are crazy, Trace. I get that the death of Serena is incredibly fresh, but that doesn't give you the right to be a complete jackass to Olivia. You don't deserve her or those girls, so don't even try to reconnect in the future. You fucked up any chance you had, the moment you sent the cops to get Liv."

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