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Olivia ended up going home instead of facing her father right away. She fed both of her girls and put them down for their naps before working on laundry. She was just starting a load when her phone rang. She pulled it out before sighing when she saw her ex's number.

"Hey, Brad." Olivia spoke, as she shut the light off before leaving the laundry room.

"Where are you?" He asked, without even greeting her.

"I'm in New York. Why?" Olivia sighed.

"Why are you in New York!?" He exclaimed. Olivia rolled her eyes as she tried to decide if she should just hang up on him.

"My mother died, Brad. And anyway, I don't know why you care. You haven't seen Lou since January, and you haven't even met Violet yet." Olivia snapped.

"What? She died? Shit... I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Thanks, but what do you want? I have things to do."

"Oh, yeah. I need some money. So can you just send me some?" He asked, and Olivia laughed bitterly as she leaned against the island.

"What part of getting a divorce from me do you not understand?"

"Hey, don't be a bitch. Just send me about a grand and then we will be all good."

"I'm not sending you that much money, Brad! Geez, you don't even pay child support and you want me to send you money? For what? Did you knock up the girl you were cheating on me with?"

"Olivia, baby-"

"Okay, I'm going to stop you there. You are a cheating, lying, gaslighting piece of shit. I will not be supporting you at all, and this conversation is over. Don't contact me."

"You have my kids!" Brad yelled before Olivia could hang up.

"You signed away your rights, Brad! Fuck off!"


Trace and the girls got home late once again. They had spent several hours at the luncheon as they talked to those that were there to continue celebrating Serena's life. Trace was still angry at Olivia, so he didn't even bother to check on her or the girls before going to bed. Evelyn, on the other hand, went upstairs to pick on her sister. To try and make her feel worse than she already was feeling.

"It's late. Please don't knock on the door, the girls are sleeping." Olivia whispered as she opened the door. 

"You really fucked things up at the service, Olivia. You tried to make everyone feel bad for you, but you are the bad guy. You killed Mom." Evelyn huffed. Olivia stepped out into the hall before grabbing her sister's arm and tugging her to their bathroom. She shoved her sister in before looking at her eyes.

"Are you high?" Olivia asked, since her sister acted out the most when she was high. 

"No, because I'm not the fuck up of the family. No, Dad called you the family disappointment." Evelyn grinned.

"I didn't overdose at fourteen, Evelyn Marie."

"Okay, but at least I didn't get knocked up and have two kids with a man that never even loved me." Evelyn grinned before she lunged at Olivia. Olivia backed up against one of the doors as tears burned her eyes.

"Evelyn, I made mistakes... but I didn't kill Mom." Olivia whispered.

"You did kill Mom. You are the worst thing to ever happen to this family, and I wish you would have stayed in whatever hole you crawled out of."

"Dad called me, Eve-"

"To make you feel bad! Not to bring you back here! No one wants you!" Evelyn yelled before she started to claw and hit her sister. Olivia tried to defend herself, but at this point, she was too tired. 

Olivia started to sob again as her sister grabbed her hair and tugged on it. Evelyn dropped her sister's hair before stepping back.

"You are such a dramatic freak! Fuck, grow up and leave!" Evelyn yelled.

Olivia sank down onto the floor as her heart beat out of her chest. Everything over the last few weeks was too much for her. But then again, the last four years of her life had been too much. Getting pregnant at eighteen was a shock, let alone having it happen again before she turned twenty-two. Now her mother is dead and everyone blames her for it.


Elliot had to work early the morning after the funeral. He was up at three to get ready for work, and when he went out to his truck to leave at five, he saw Olivia's small blue car pull in behind his truck. She turned her car off quickly before climbing out and walking to Elliot.

"What are you doing here?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she bit her lip and looked at Elliot.

"Did I kill my mom?" She asked.

"What? You were on the other side of the country when she passed away. You couldn't have killed her." Elliot replied, as his eyes went wide.

"Evelyn and I got into a fight last night, and she told me it was my fault. That no one wanted me and that I was the family fuck up. She brought up Brad-"

"Who's Brad?" Elliot asked quickly.

"My ex husband... but she just kept making me feel bad. She didn't even care that I was already crying... she just kept hitting me and scratching me. She was pulling my hair when I was sobbing and she called me a freak... I left because of her and I'm the freak?!" Olivia cried. Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's body before holding her close.

"Your family is blaming you because they feel bad about what happened. It isn't actually your fault. Don't listen to Eve, because she is just as upset about this as you are."

"I think I'm going back home." Olivia sniffled as she stepped back and wiped tears from her bruised cheeks.

"I can text your dad and warn him." Elliot smiled, but Olivia shook her head.

"I'm driving back to Seattle. The girls are in the car, and so are all of my belongings... It was nice seeing you, El. I missed you more than a lot of people." Olivia breathed.

"No, don't go back there! You are just upset right now, so why don't you just go back to your father's house or come inside. I'm the only kid living here now, so there are plenty of beds for you to pick from... My brother has a few kids, so there is a crib in there for Letty too." Elliot smiled as he reached out and tucked some of Olivia's hair behind her ear.


"Please, honey. Don't run away again."

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