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Olivia sat cross-legged on the porch swing as it barely swung back and forth. Olivia had been out on the porch for a while as she tried to think about everything. A lot had happened over the last few days, and her mind was full and messy.

"Babe, you are crazy to sit out here without a jacket on." Elliot sighed as he walked out of the house and quickly tossed Olivia's jacket to her.

"You are the crazy one." Olivia smiled weakly. Elliot laughed quietly before moving over and sitting beside her.

Elliot wrapped his arm around Olivia's body and pulled her close after she had finally pulled her jacket on.

"Whatcha doing out here, anyway?" Elliot asked. Olivia rested her head on Elliot's shoulder before sighing softly.

"I'm a tad overwhelmed with everything that has happened, and I was trying to organize my thoughts... I guess."

"If any of those thoughts are making you feel guilty, tell it to shut the fuck up." Elliot breathed.

"El, I do feel guilty. It's kinda of hard not to, especially since I almost lost you and Lou at the same time."

"We are strong and won't go out without a fight, baby. Trust me... and Lou will get through her own troubles soon and won't have nightmares."

"Do you think she hates me?" Olivia questioned, as she turned to look at her fiance.

"Hate you? Love, Lou loves you so much! I think she just needed me last night because she was having a nightmare about me."

"I'm glad you could comfort her." Olivia whispered.

"I'm glad that I could too. Now, do you wanna-" Elliot had to stop short when his mother opened the door and looked out at the couple.

"Olivia, you have a guest."

"I have a guest? I don't even have friends." Olivia laughed weakly.

"It's a man. A little older than you and El, I think." Bernie spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard before turning to look at Elliot.


"It might be Brad..."


Elliot took the girls upstairs, while Olivia opened the front door and saw her ex-husband standing on the stairs. He was staring out over the front yard, so he hadn't realized that Olivia was standing there yet.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia asked. Brad turned around quickly before looking Olivia over for a few moments. He was checking her for cuts, scrapes, or bruises. 

"Were you hurt?" Brad questioned, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, I wasn't. But how did you find out about what happened?" Olivia breathed.

"I got a visit from the FBI. I guess they thought I called in a hit on you, when I'd never do that. Especially since you are my wife and the mother to my daughters." Brad spoke.

Olivia let out a loud laugh before shaking her head. 

"We aren't married anymore, Brad. We haven't been married for a while since you cheated on me. Lou and Letty aren't your daughters because you are a shitty donor." Olivia spoke with a smile. She loved to make Brad angry, especially now that they were no longer married. It was payback for being a complete dick while they were together.

"Liv, you and our girls-"

"My girls."

"You, Violet, and Louise were almost killed by a man your father hired to kill you! I think I realize now more than ever, that I need to be around for you three! We can get married again, have more babies, and be happy!" Brad exclaimed.

"No, we can't get married, have more babies, and be happy because you are incapable of keeping your dick in your pants! It always seemed to wander into other women!" Olivia spat, as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"I'm different!"

"No, you aren't! You are the same man whore that knocked me up! Now, go back home! Go back and leave us alone!" Olivia yelled.

Brad stomped his foot before starting to pace. He was pissed off, and Olivia could see as his face grew red and his hands balled up into fists at his side.

"You don't get to tell me no." Brad spat.

"You don't own me, buddy!" 

"Go get the girls and..." Brad trailed off, as he saw the door open from behind Olivia.

Elliot stood there with a baseball bat in hand, and Joseph was holding his golf club. They stared Brad down, until the man calmed down and slowly backed off the deck.

"Apologize for threatening her, Brad. Now." Elliot ordered.

"I-i just miss her. I wouldn't hurt her." Brad whimpered.

"They know everything, Brad. No point in lying. So do as they say and then disappear... just like you did for the first month of Lou's life."


"I'm exhausted after today." Elliot yawned, as he walked into the bedroom he and his fiancee were sharing.

"You will be even more exhausted tonight since we have two extra people sleeping with us." Olivia spoke, as she looked down at where Lou and Letty were sleeping in the middle of the bed.

"When did you grab them? I swear that they were in their room just a few moments ago." Elliot laughed weakly.

"I grabbed them when your mother scolded you for forgetting to take the trash out. After seeing Brad, I am even more uneasy. I'd just feel better if they slept in here tonight. So I could cuddle them." Olivia breathed, as she watched Lou flip over and start to hog Elliot's side of the bed.

"Liv, I'm not going to say no to you."

"Really?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Really... I rarely tell you no, and now is not the time I'd start saying it more often." Elliot smiled.

"I am super lucky to have you, El... all three of us are. Now, El... you might want to join us before Lou kicks us all out of bed." 

Elliot went and got ready for bed, before standing and looking at himself in the mirror for a few moments. He gently ran his finger over the cut on his cheek, before starting to cry. 

He couldn't wait until things got back to normal. Until he and his family didn't have to be scared to go to sleep or to use the bathroom. He couldn't wait until he was back to normal and could actually enjoy life with the woman he loved and their kids.

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