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Now that Aunt Sara was in town, Olivia and Elliot could actually move into their apartment. It was a quick process, because Olivia didn't have a lot of personal items. She had left most of it in Seattle, because she didn't want to waste space on her stuff when she could pack more for her daughters'.

"I have more clothes than you do." Elliot spoke, as he tucked most of Olivia's clothes into one drawer.

"I left a ton in Seattle. I didn't want to forget something important for the kids, if I put something useless of mine in instead." Olivia replied. She tossed a pillow to the top of the double bed before turning to look at Elliot.

"You should go and buy yourself some more clothes."

"With what money?" Olivia said with a laugh.

"Ours, baby. My money is yours now." Elliot spoke. He moved to Olivia's side before gently kissing her temple.

"You are too good for me, El." Olivia whispered, as Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's body.

"No, I'm not. I think that we are the perfect pairing. I am so happy you came back, and I got to finally tell you that I loved you." Elliot breathed, before leaning in to kiss Olivia. Their lips didn't even touch, before Lou was screaming for them. 


Olivia took the day off from the pizza place, but she still had to clean the precinct. Once she was done with that, she made it back home and climbed into bed beside Elliot. She didn't know how she got so lucky, because she didn't feel like she deserved Elliot. That she deserved happiness. 

"Hi, baby." Elliot yawned, as he rolled over and saw Olivia laying beside him.

"Hi." She replied back quietly.

"How was work?"

"I had to clean up blood from an interrogation room. I didn't enjoy that."

"I wonder if it was a detective or perp that got roughed up." Elliot said with a sleepy laugh.


"Yes?" Elliot replied, as he pulled Olivia close and kissed the top of her head.

"I think I want to go and see Evelyn this weekend. I have both days off, and I want to drive up on Friday night and come home on Saturday afternoon. Do you think your Mom would watch the girls for me?" Olivia asked.

Elliot didn't feel as sleepy anymore as he heard Olivia talk about Evelyn. He sat up and looked down at Olivia.

"You want to go and see Eve? Why?"

"I don't know why... but I have been thinking about what I said to the detectives."

"What do you mean?"

"I was talking about my mom. How Eve was the reason why I left, and never got to tell my mother that I loved her. She never got to meet my girls, and will never meet any future babies because Evelyn had to be a complete bitch."

"Future babies?" Elliot asked with a soft smile. Olivia blushed a bit, before going back to the actual important part of that statement.

"I think that Eve might have had a hand in my mom's death." Olivia whispered.

"I don't think your sister is capable of killing your mother. She's a bitch, but she is still just a kid."

"I think she might have done something. If I'm wrong, at least I can see her and make sure she's okay. That she's actually getting help and improving."

"I'll go with you." 

"No, El." Olivia frowned.

"You aren't going alone. My parents won't say no to watching the girls, so I can be with you." Elliot breathed. He looked at Olivia for a moment before kissing her deeply.

"Do you want to know more about what else I said?" Olivia asked, as she pushed Elliot back onto the bed before moving onto his body. She ground her hips against him, and Elliot nodded.

"Yes, please."

"I want babies with someone who loves me and actually takes care of me. Someone who will be an actual father to my girls... and to any other kids. I think you are the perfect man to start a life with, so when I said future kids... I meant it." Olivia smiled. She pulled her shirt off before leaning down and kissing Elliot's neck.

"But not right now, babe. At least give me a moment to grab a condom."

"If you insist."


Olivia and Elliot headed to Buffalo on Friday night after work. The girls were safe and sound with Bernie and Joseph, so Olivia wasn't worrying about them. But she was worrying about her sister. Evelyn had only been in rehab for a little over a week, but that meant she was detoxing and in a better mindset than when she was on drugs.

"So did you call the center to see if you can see Eve?" Elliot asked as he and Olivia got into the hotel room for the night.

"I did. They said that she can have a visitor, or two in our case, so I registered us."

"Did they say how she was doing?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Not really. I guess we will see in the morning."

Olivia and Elliot went to see Eve at around eleven the next day. They went into the visitors room, and saw Eve sitting by the window. She was curled up in a ball, and she had paled considerably.

"Give me a few minutes with her. Then you can come over. Okay?"

"Gotcha, love." Elliot smiled. 

Olivia hesitantly moved away from Elliot. She got to Eve's side, before ever so gently touching her arm.


"Liv?" Evelyn asked, as she jumped from the sudden touch and her sister's voice.

"Hey, kid... uh, how are you doing?" Olivia asked hesitantly. Evelyn looked at her for a moment, before shaking her head and looking back out the window.


"I was happy when I was doing drugs. You had to ruin that... now I feel every single bit of pain that comes with losing our mother. All thanks to you." Evelyn mumbled.

"Hey, you weren't happy. You were killing yourself slowly! You need to feel the pain of losing Mom, because otherwise you are bottling it up. So-"

"Unless you brought me some cocaine... I'd even take weed... I don't want you here."

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