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"Twins?" Bernie asked with wide eyes, as Olivia got ready to shut the door in her mother-in-law's face.

"Yes, twins. You would have known about them, but you forced Elliot to flee instead of leave on good terms. So please go away." Olivia huffed before shutting the door. 

She went to walk away from the door, but Bernie was opening it from the outside.


"I'm sorry." Bernie blurted out, as she tears welled in her eyes. Olivia could faint right there on the spot when she heard those words.

"Did I hear you right?" Olivia asked, and Bernie nodded.

"I'm sorry. I was obsessed with Elliot's recovery, so I wasn't focusing on anything else but that. You needed me, Joseph, and Elliot but none of us were there for you. I made sure of that... Please forgive me, Liv. So we can be involved in the lives of our three granddaughters and grandson. Please." Bernie begged, as she grabbed Olivia's hands and squeezed them tightly.

Olivia was super confused and a little flustered as she looked at Bernie.

"Please leave." Olivia choked out.


"Please go away. I will tell Elliot about what you said, but I can't promise anything. You treated me like shit and just accused me of cheating on your son because I'm bigger this time around." Olivia huffed as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Olivia, I love-"

"Get the hell out of my house! You can apologize all you want, but I can't do anything about forgiving you until I can think! So please get out!" Olivia sobbed.

Bernie stumbled out of the front door and Olivia quickly moved to it and slammed the door. She turned around and saw that Violet was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Mama, what wrong?" The toddler asked, as Olivia brushed tears from her cheeks.

"Mama is just sad, baby. C'mon, I think it's time we take a nap." Olivia hiccuped.


Elliot got home that night, and he found his wife in the kitchen with the girls.

"Daddy's home." Elliot smiled, and the girls squealed from their spots as Olivia gave her husband a tired smile.

"How was work?" Olivia asked as Elliot hugged both of the girls.

"It was good. I wrote a handful of tickets today and got to help on a scene." Elliot grinned as he walked away from his daughters and to where Olivia stood.

"Dinner is almost ready." She breathed.


"I'm not feeling great tonight, so I'm going up to bed. You can leave the dishes and I will do them tomorrow morning before I go to work. I love you." Olivia whispered, before pecking her husband's lips and moving from the room. Elliot looked over at his girls.

"Do you know what's wrong with Mama?" Elliot mused, as he served up the meatloaf his wife had made. 

"She was sad when I got off the bus. Letty said Mama cried earlier."

"Cried? Do you know what made Mama sad?" Elliot asked, and Letty let out a sigh that seemed too big for her little body.


"Gran? Like Gran Bernie and Papa Joseph?" Elliot asked.

"Just Gran." Letty replied, as Elliot sat a plate on the tray of her highchair.

"Oh no." Elliot and Lou said in unison.


Elliot did all of Olivia's night time things with the girls before he went into the bedroom he shares with his wife. He had expected Olivia to be asleep, but she was awake and zoned out on a picture of their wedding.

"Livvie, why aren't you sleeping?" Elliot asked softly.

"What?" Olivia asked, when her husband came into her view.

"Why aren't you sleeping? I thought you weren't feeling good and wanted to sleep."

"I tried, but then I got angry... then sad... now I'm just exhausted but can't sleep."

"So our toddler told me that Gran showed up."

"Yeah, she did. Bernie drove past the house and saw our name on the mailbox. She demanded to see you when she showed up and also accused me of cheating on you."

"Excuse me?" Elliot asked with wide eyes. Demanding to see him was one thing, but accusing his wife of something she'd never do was another. It made him angry, especially since Olivia had been nothing but amazing since the start.

"I had to tell her about the twins, and then she apologized for being a bitch. I asked her to leave me alone, but she just kept talking and being forceful." Olivia whispered.

"She actually apologized? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I want her to love me again and trust me. Before you had your break, I was a part of the family and we were happy. Your mother was one of my best friends and she helped me through some of the hardest days of my life. It will never be the same, and I hate it." Olivia whimpered, as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"We can get back to that point, Liv. I promise you that everything will be okay in the end."

"Do you want me to just accept the apology? She only apologized since she knew you were going to be a father again. And speaking of that, she didn't even say anything about Letty. I was holding her, and she just wanted you and nothing to do with me and our girls."

"Olivia, she loves our daughters. Lou and Letty-"

"They don't share your blood! I'm pretty damn certain that Lane and Frankie are going to her favorites." Olivia huffed, as she sat up slowly and eyed her husband.

"Hey, don't make this a bigger deal than it is." Elliot huffed.

Olivia's eyes went wide, before shaking her head and standing.

"Thanks for making me feel like my feelings aren't important. That the things your family did to me don't matter. It makes me wonder if you were ever on my side or just pretended to be loving and supportive because I am pregnant and you didn't want to miss out on the lives of the babies." 

"Stop acting so stupid, Olivia!" Elliot snapped, before getting a hard shove from his wife. He stumbled a bit before looking at Olivia.

Her face was red with anger and she was trying her hardest to not scream.

"I'd pick your next few words carefully, or else you will be back living with your parents and will never meet the twins."

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