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Olivia used her one phone call to call Elliot, since she didn't have money or any idea of how to get a lawyer here in Manhattan. Olivia was finally given Letty after her daughter cried nonstop for an hour, and someone hesitantly gave her a jacket to cover her chest up with when she nursed her daughter.

"Liv!" Elliot exclaimed, as he opened the door and walked into the interrogation room.

"Thanks for coming." Olivia frowned as Elliot walked over to her.

"Of course! My Dad is here too, and Mom is at home with Lou. So what's happening? Were you arrested?"

"They put me in handcuffs until I finally agreed to come down here with them. Violet was still in her carrier on my chest... and they got really rough with me."

"Okay, so this isn't happening. You will not get in trouble for what your sister is doing. If you aren't under arrest, we will take you home. My parents are getting you a lawyer."

"El, I can't pay them back! I don't even have a job yet!" Olivia sniffled. She wanted to full on cry, but she couldn't get worked up when feeding Violet. She didn't want to hurt her daughter and get her stressed out at all.

"They aren't making you pay them back. Everything is okay. Now, finish up with Letty and we will head out."

Elliot left Olivia in the room before stepping out. He saw a few detectives standing there, and they eyed him.

"Son, she is a drug dealer." One spoke, and Elliot shook his head.

"Olivia hadn't contacted her family since her high school graduation. Then her father called her after her mother died. So there were four years between those last two conversations." Elliot spoke.

"You don't-"

"Do your job and investigate. Do you honestly think she looks like a drug dealer? She has two young daughters and a car that is older than we both are. She is a great person, and her father is doing this to make sure his daughter, who is addicted to coke and has been for years, doesn't get in trouble. So she isn't forced into jail or rehab. He is just punishing Olivia, because he can't punish anyone else."

"He did ask for a deal." 

"It's because he doesn't want Evelyn to go to jail or rehab. He babies her, and that is why she is on her fourth, or fifth overdose."


Olivia was released, but told to not leave the city. The detectives apologized to her for being rough when taking her in, and for also scaring her daughter.

Elliot and Joseph drove Olivia back home, and Olivia held onto Lou and Letty for hours before finally letting them from her arms.

"How are you doing?" Bernie asked gently, as she came into the living room.

"I'm okay... thanks for looking after Lou and for offering to get me a lawyer. I hope I don't need one." Olivia frowned as she hesitantly took her eyes away from Lou and Letty.

"Joseph and I have always loved you." Bernie smiled.

"That really means a lot since my family doesn't anymore... well, my father doesn't but the youngest three do."

"Everyone will realize that Evelyn is the one at fault. Your father might even get in a bit of trouble for falsely reporting you." Elliot spoke as he walked from the kitchen.

"What about my sisters? They are too young to be on their own... if he gets jail time-"

"Liv, don't worry about that right now. I think it's time that we focus on something else. Like the fact we got that apartment near my precinct."

"Really?" Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"We can move in at the end of the month." Elliot smiled. Olivia stood quickly before walking to Elliot. She hugged him tightly, and Bernie could tell that there was something between them, but she didn't bring it up.

"This is a good end to a fucked up day."


Trace pushed his daughter out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Evelyn still wasn't doing great, but who would be after overdosing.

"Daddy, Olivia isn't at home anymore, right?"

"No, princess. She isn't allowed to be around us anymore. Anyway, she's going to prison."

"How did you get that to happen?" Evelyn questioned.

"Because she is the reason why you had to do drugs. The cops think that she sold you the drugs and sent you money to buy the drugs when she was fucking up her life." Trace sighed. He was turning the corner when two detectives approached him.

"Trace and Evelyn Benson?" One asked.

"Uh, yeah. That is us, but we are leaving. So please, leave us alone." Trace spoke.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that. You both are under arrest."

"W-what?" Evelyn mumbled, as she looked up at her father with wide eyes. She thought that they had gotten away with everything. That she could go home and continue to get high while Olivia paid for everything she had done.

"You can't do that! We did nothing wrong-"

"Mr. Benson, you asked for a deal for Evelyn if you gave us her dealer. Well, her dealer wasn't her sister, as you claimed. You gave us false information, and that is a big no-no. So you both need to put your hands behind your back."

"I have three more kids at home!" Trace yelled, as he fought the detective that was putting handcuffs on him.

"And they will be taken care of. If you continue to resist, this will be another charge!"


Olivia was notified that night that her father and sister had been arrested. Her sisters needed a guardian, so she packed up her kids and returned to the house to take care of them. The girls didn't know what was happening, so they were shocked to see Olivia at the door once again.

"Liv? Elliot?" Penny asked after she answered the door.

"Hey, Penny." Elliot smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Penny asked, as Jackie, and Colleen came to join Penny by the front door.

"So, something happened tonight... I am going to be staying here with you three for a bit. Elliot is going to also, so he can help out."

"Did something happen to Dad?" Jackie whispered.

"He and Evelyn were arrested tonight after they tried to frame me. So until something else can be figured out, I'm your guardian."

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