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Elliot didn't know if he'd end up getting his job back, so he also started applying for other positions. He found an opening at the mall for security, and another one at the courthouse. Elliot applied for both and prayed that if working for the NYPD fell through that he'd be able to fall back on one of those.

"Hey Liv!" Elliot called as he approached his wife. She was sitting outside eating her lunch, but mostly just playing with her food. She was anxious, so she didn't really feel like eating at all right now.

"El? What are you doing here?" Olivia questioned as her husband stopped beside her. He leaned down and kissed her before moving to the other side of the picnic table and sitting down.

"I just wanted to check in."

"Is everything okay? How'd your interview go?" Olivia asked nervously. She was scared that Elliot's smile was just a facade and that he wasn't actually happy. Maybe he was banned from working for the NYPD and would have to pick a job that wasn't even close to what he wanted.

"Sergeant Louis is going to talk to her superiors and see what they think. If they think I'm good, I'll have several hoops to jump through, but I'm willing to do that."

"Did you apply anywhere else?" Olivia asked weakly, as she hesitantly slide her lunchbox across the table to her husband. Elliot frowned before sliding it back.

"Eat that, baby. It's not just you anymore, and the twins are probably just as hungry as you are." Elliot spoke gently.

"I'm not hungry, El. I feel like I could throw up, so please take this." Olivia whimpered. She quickly tried to blink away tears, but it was hard.

She didn't want to force her husband into something he didn't want to do, and she was also terrified of what may happen if Elliot didn't get his job back. Would they be forced to make amends with Bernie and Joseph and move back in there, or would they just have to make things work in their small house?


Elliot never answered Olivia's question about applying at other places. For the rest of the day, he drove around town and applied at other random places that could at least help them when it came to affording the twins. While Elliot was waiting for his wife to get out that night, his phone rang. He looked at it for a moment before answering it quickly.


"Hey, Elliot. It's Sergeant Louis."

"Yeah, I know. And now I'm a little nervous about what you have to say." Elliot breathed.

"It's good news. You may come back but are required to do therapy. Your insurance should pay for it, and you can schedule it outside your work hours so you don't need to miss time. We will also be drug testing you monthly to ensure you are taking your medicine and not lying to us."

"I will do anything, I promise." Elliot smiled as tears welled in his eyes. He turned and watched as Olivia slowly walked down the front steps and to where he had parked.

"I'm glad, Elliot. Tomorrow morning, you should report to the precinct for your drug test and training."

"Thank you!" Elliot exclaimed before the call ended. He reached across and opened Olivia's door for her, before grinning as she climbed in.

"Hi." Olivia yawned.

"I have great news, Liv!" Elliot exclaimed.

"You do?" Olivia questioned as she buckled her seatbelt.

"I do, Liv. I got my job back and I start tomorrow."

"R-really?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot smiled.

"Really. Now you won't need to work super long shifts just to make ends meet. We will be good now, Liv. I promise."

"I hope you don't break that promise."


Once Elliot had started back at the precinct, things moved faster. He and Olivia could start saving up enough money to rent a bigger house that wasn't as close to Bernie and Joseph.

Olivia's morning sickness fizzled out, but she ended up being sore all the time. She tried her hardest to still keep up with the girls and the housework, but Elliot ended up having to do a lot of it because Olivia couldn't do nearly as much as before.

Elliot was actually enjoying therapy, and it put him in a better headspace, which allowed him to stay around for his wife and kids. All four of them.

"Sorry that I'm late!" Elliot spoke, as he ran up the fronts steps of Olivia's doctor's office.

"It's fine, El. Dr. Clarke is at the hospital for a delivery, anyway. We are going to be waiting for her partner to do my check up and then the tech will tell us the sex of our monsters." Olivia smiled.

Another thing that had changed was the fact Olivia was happy. She smiled all the time, and it was an amazing change. 

"Our monsters." Elliot chuckled as he looped his arm around Olivia's waist and led her into the office.

The couple sat together and waited for a while, before the tech came out.

"Alright, Olivia Stabler?"

"That's me." Olivia spoke, as she raised her hand. Elliot stood before helping his wife to her feet. They followed the tech back and after a few long moments, the tech started the ultrasound.

Elliot stared at the screen and was completely focused on the two tiny humans that his wife was carrying. He had seen the original ultrasound, but it was different this time around since the babies looked like babies and less like aliens.

"Did you two decide if you'd like to know the genders of your babies?" 

"Yes, please." Olivia spoke quickly, since Elliot was too zoned out to respond.

"Alright, by the looks of it, baby A is a girl."

"Not surprising." Olivia laughed softly.

"How many girls do you have?" She asked.

"This will be our third and fourth daughters." Elliot spoke, as he looked down at his wife.

"Third daughter and first son." The tech spoke up. Olivia quickly looked at the screen.

"Baby B is a boy?" Olivia breathed, and the tech smiled and nodded.

"Yes, he is. Congrats."

The tech left the room to get the doctor, as Olivia sat up slowly. She looked at her husband as tears welled in her eyes.

"So?" Olivia asked, as she reached out and grabbed Elliot's hand.

"This was the coolest scan I have attended with you, and I cannot wait for our son and daughter."

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