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Olivia continued to pull long shifts and only saw her husband in passing. It was so hard for her to even approach her husband and his parents that she got a sitter to watch the girls sometimes. Then the sitter would drop the girls off with Elliot when it was his time to watch them.

It was just easier for Olivia this way, since she was completely certain that her in-laws hated her and always would.

Olivia was just leaving her overnight shift when Elliot called her name. Olivia turned towards him before swallowing hard.

"El, what are you doing?" Olivia asked nervously.

"I haven't seen you in almost a month, Liv. I miss you, and I wanted to see you." Elliot replied.

"I'm sorry, El. But I have to get home and clean the house. You are supposed to be with the girls, so I have time to get shit done." Olivia yawned.


"I'm sorry. I don't have time." Olivia lied. She walked away from her husband and down the stairs. Elliot quickly caught up with her before grabbing her arm and turning her towards him.

"You don't get to walk away, Olivia! Not right now, especially since you have been hiding something from me!"

"I have not!" Olivia exclaimed, and Elliot laughed bitterly as he reached into the pocket of his jacket.

"Look what Louise stole from your bathroom garbage can, babe!" Elliot huffed, as he held out a positive pregnancy test to his wife.

Olivia felt as the color faded from her face, and she felt ill.


"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I just took it, El! I haven't even got it confirmed, and who says I'll stay pregnant?!" Olivia yelled before snatching the test from Elliot's hand.

"Liv, I am your husband. I shouldn't have to find out through some test our daughter thought was a toy. This dumb distance needs to end, because we are having a baby."

"Elliot, go away." Olivia whimpered, as she turned and walked back towards her car.


"Elliot, pregnant or not, I will never get you back. I will never be on good terms with your family. I will raise this baby and our other two, while you stay with the two people who are calling all the shots! So leave me alone! I don't feel like fighting about this right now!"


Elliot didn't want to give Olivia space, but he did. He let her go home before heading back to his place. When he got there, he went straight upstairs to where his mother was getting the girls ready for the day.

"Daddy, where'd you go?" Lou asked, as she titled her head to the side.

"I went and saw your Mama. Now, can you two hang in here for a few minutes? I need to talk to Gran." Elliot spoke, as he rubbed a tear from his cheek.

"Carrot-" Bernie started, but Elliot shook his head.

"Not in front of them. Please."

"Okay, then in the hall."

Elliot stood across from his mother, as he tired to figure out what to say. Between the fight with Olivia and finding out about her pregnancy, he had a lot to talk about.

"What's happening, son?" Bernie asked.

"Lou and I were going through her toys this morning, and she passed me a pregnancy test and said she found it. It was positive, and Olivia had taken it the morning before." Elliot breathed as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"She's pregnant?" Bernie whispered, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, so I'm assuming probably around eight weeks or so. She didn't want to talk about it, and we got into it."

"Did she start it? Because-"

"Ma! Stop thinking that Olivia is the bad guy! She thinks that she'll never get me back and that you hate her! So you gotta tell her otherwise, especially since I need to be with her now. I can't let her go through this pregnancy alone!" Elliot exclaimed.

Bernie swallowed hard before hearing a door creak up behind her. She turned and saw Lou and Letty standing there, but the baby was just confused about what was happening.

"Why are you yelling?" Lou asked weakly, and Elliot bit his lip before speaking.

"We aren't yelling anymore. C'mon. Let's go play."


Olivia had just finished cleaning her whole house when she got a visitor. She ignored the knocking for a while, but eventually answered the door after she got a text from Bernie.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia asked softly, as she leaned against her open door.

"I haven't seen your new place. You insisted on moving in on yourself, so I never got a tour." Bernie smiled weakly.

"Uh, c'mon in. Please, just take your shoes off, I just mopped."

Olivia gave Bernie a tour of her house. It was small, but at least it was a roof over her head and the heads of her daughters.

"So, where do you plan on putting the baby?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shook.

"Elliot told you, huh?"

"Yeah, today when he came home from seeing you."

"I didn't want him to tell you or anyone else."

"He told me about your previous miscarriages too, Liv."

"I only told him that because he's my partner... I just... You must really hate me now. I'm sorry that I keep messing things up." Olivia frowned, as she anxiously tucked hair behind her ear.

"I don't hate you, Olivia. I just don't like that you supported Elliot in his rash decisions. Like when wanted to move in here. He wasn't ready, and you should have known that."

"He was ready, Bernie. He would have done great here, but now he'll never come here. Our relationship is done, and I will go through this all alone. He can't sleepover here, and I'm surprised you even let him come see me today." Olivia frowned.

"You have a family, Olivia." Bernie sighed.

"I HAD a family, Bernie. I'm not even allowed over for dinner anymore, and if I ever drop my daughters off, I can't come inside. My messages to Elliot bounce back, and it's because you monitor his phone and probably blocked me. I get you must focus on Elliot because he's sick and has to get used to life again, but I don't know why I had to be kicked out for that to work."

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