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Life was good for Olivia and Elliot. They had finally decided on a date for their wedding, and it was June 4th. Olivia and her sisters would be out of school by then, and then Olivia and Elliot could actually go out of town for their honeymoon without worrying too much.

However, something popped up and messed everything up. 

"Ms. Benson?" A man whispered as he came up beside Olivia. 

Olivia looked up from her book before eyeing the stranger.

"Yes?" She questioned.

"We need you to come with us." He whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Can you tell me who you are?" Olivia replied, as she grew nervous. The man pulled something from his pocket before flashing a badge at Olivia. She didn't read his name, but she saw FBI on it.

"I'm with the FBI, and I really need to talk to you. Okay?" He whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Yes, sir."

Olivia finished her page before packing up and following the man from the library. Waiting outside was another man dressed exactly like the one that had approached her.

"What is this about? I have class in an hour and-"

"Ms. Benson, we got a tip from a man on the dark web. He said that another man accepted an offer for a hit."

"A h-hit?" Olivia whispered.

"On you. We are tracking the request and trying to pinpoint who did it. Until then, you are under protective custody."

"I have two kids and a fiance... I can't be-"

"Don't worry, Ms. Benson. We are taking you back to your apartment right now and we sent a team to pick up your fiance. We are already ahead of you."


When Olivia got home, the men led Olivia upstairs and to her apartment. They did some special knock before the door was opened from the inside.

"Liv!" Elliot exclaimed as soon as he saw Olivia. He wrapped his arms around her tightly before kissing her temple gently.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening." Olivia whispered, as she leaned back and looked at her fiance.

"Don't apologize. This isn't your fault... but what's happening? I was just told that I needed to go with these guys and then took me to get the girls and brought us back here. I'm so confused."

"Someone put a hit out on me. Someone wants me dead, El. Who would do that? What about my dad? Oh my god, he's doing this!" Olivia cried.

"Your father?" One agent asked, as Letty cried out from her room.

"Liv, tell them everything. I have her." Elliot spoke before turning and rushing to their daughters' room.

Olivia sank down onto the sofa before looking at the agents that sat on the coffee table in front of her.

"Tell us everything."

"My father is in prison for trying to frame me for my sister's drug addiction. He tried to tell the cops that I was her drug dealer, when that was far from true. But uh, he got arrested and my sister was sent to rehab. They hate me... for so many reasons. I didn't think that my father could want me dead, but I guess he might now. I'm not his favorite and never have been. He blames me for my mother's death too, even though I was hundreds of miles away when she passed."

"Does he have phone access?"

"I-i don't know. If he does, he never contacts me nor my sisters."

"How many other sisters do you have?"

"Three other younger ones, not including Evelyn. They are at my parents' house with my Aunt Sara. She's taking care of them."

"Alright, we are going to send agents out to the house to make sure they are okay. Until we can arrest the man who is planning on taking you out, you and your family are under lockdown. We will bring you food, diapers, wipes... anything you need. All windows must have blinds shut and no one but us can answer your doors. Don't call or text anyone either, okay?"

"Sir-" Olivia started, but the agent shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but it's either this or getting your brain blown out. Your choice."


Olivia was allowed to make two calls, both on a secure line. Olivia called her Aunt Sara first to warn her about two strange men coming over to the house, and then she called Bernie and Joseph. She explained that something bad was happening, and they could not see them or the girls until everything was better.

"Mama, who are they?" Lou asked, as Olivia tucked her daughter into bed that night.

"Those men?" Olivia questioned, and her little girl nodded.


"Those are good guys. Someone is being mean, and they are here to make sure nothing happens. But the good news is that Daddy and I won't be leaving you or Letty for a while."

"No party?" Lou frowned, and Olivia thought for a moment before sighing.

"No, baby. No party tomorrow for Letty's birthday. But I think we might be able to get those good guys to at least pick up her cake." Olivia smiled.

"I like cake." The little girl grinned. Olivia laughed softly and nodded.

"I know, princess. Now, close your eyes and get some sleep. Daddy and I will see you in the morning."

"I love you, Mama." Lou yawned.

"I love you too, baby."

Olivia left the girls' room before heading into the living room. Elliot and one of the Agents were watching a basketball game, so Olivia went into the kitchen to find the other one.

"Agent Fields?" Olivia asked, as she tucked some hair behind her ear.


"So I know we aren't allowed to leave the apartment or anything... but tomorrow is my baby's first birthday. We had a party planned, which my in-laws already canceled. But I was wondering if you could go and get the cake tomorrow? Then at least we can try to celebrate here. My eldest really wants cake too." Olivia whispered. 

"I'll see what I can do." He spoke. Olivia nodded nervously before turning to walk from the kitchen. She stopped and turned back before sighing softly.

"Thanks for doing this... I'm not anyone important, so I'm surprised you even care. But I'm thankful because I can't imagine my life being cut short like this."

"You may be important then you think. Trust me."

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