Claim (GG)

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Two girls were seen walking down the hallway during lunchtime, chatting like how they usually do with a bunch of students passing by.

"Yujin's not joining us again?" Yuri looks at Minju who gave a reluctant nod. "She's busy with the admin stuff."

Yujin has been elected as the new class president alongside another one of their classmates. Piles of work only add to her schedule, having to prepare things for the teacher, resulting in Minju barely spending time with her in school.

"With who?" Yuri curiously asked, knowing there would be a vice president in each class. Minju pushes the cafeteria door open. "Kazuha," she answers.

"The Japanese kid?" Minju nodded.

"Didn't she just transfer here a while ago? She's the vice pres?" Yuri found it weird for a rather new transferee to get elected as a member of the class committee.

Minju grabs a tray, queuing up for the cafeteria food. "Apparently she got voted by our classmates." she politely receives some rice, moving on to the side dishes.

"When they know Yujin's your girlfriend?" Yuri honestly thought Minju would've been the vice president.

Minju shrugs, leaving the queue with Yuri tagging along. "Can't be bothered." She sits beside Yena who had a table for them.

"Babe, watch this." The girl showed Yuri a video of her skateboarding last weekend.

"I can do the ollie now." Yena nods proudly while Yuri snickers, finding her weirdly adorable with that accomplishment of hers. "Where's Yujin?"

Minju restlessly plays with her food.

Yuri then went on to tell her about the whole election situation.

"They didn't vote for you?" Yena lets out an exaggerated gasp. "I've been debunked by some Japanese ballerina." Minju scoffs.

"She's definitely messing the girl up in her head," Yena whispers to Yuri, not going out of notice. "You know me the best." Minju places a piece of sausage on Yena's plate.

Yuri then saw two tall girls entering the cafeteria. "Didn't you say they had things to do?" she pointed with her chin, making Minju look in that direction to see Yujin and Kazuha queuing up for food.

"Weird," she mumbles, watching Yujin take two packets of bread, handing one to Kazuha. The tall girl spotted the three of them, giving a slight wave.

Before they knew it, Yujin appeared at their table with the new girl beside her, landing her palm on top of Minju's head.

"Hi, Minju." Kazuha greeted and got met with an unnoticeable scowl while Yujin gently strokes Minju's head.

"Did you steal her sausages again?" Yujin asked Yena who was in the midst of putting a piece of sausage into her mouth. "She gave it to me," she claimed, shoving the food in her mouth with Yujin looking at Minju.

Minju glances at the bread in Yujin's hand. "You're only eating this?"

"We have to meet the teachers later on." Yujin places a small bottle of yoghurt beside her plate.

"Remember to drink this." she reminded, swiftly planting a little kiss onto her crown before bidding goodbye. Minju watched the two walk out before getting stared down by the other two.

"You're jealous." Yena nudges her shoulder. "Would you not be if that was Yuri?" Minju scoffs.

"That ballerina probably thinks she can hog what's mine." She forced a spoonful of rice into her mouth. Yuri and Yena exchanged gazes, shaking their heads.

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