My Bully (GG)

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Shoe scuffling on the classroom floors could be heard as a girl with dark black hair approaches another who was sitting peacefully in the middle of the empty class, diligently doing her self-study during lunchtime with her Air Pods in.

The girl stuck a piece of post-it onto the table, being noticed by the taller girl who watched how she turned and waved with her fingers before leaving the classroom.

She started grinning when she read what it wrote.

Meet me in 5.

This girl sitting here is none other than Ahn Yujin. The girl who wondrously glowed up over winter break.

She was once a timid, pitiful student who only knew how to study. And because of that, she was puny with no friends in school, never really thought of making any. That's probably how she became the target of the school bullies since she was helpless.

Those bullies are not your ordinary bullies. The way they look, they might even come off as students on the dean's list. Those girls in neat, school vests, ties that fit perfectly around their collar, hair so luscious that people even crush on them despite their weekly play of fucking around with students.

Nevertheless, Yujin became their favourite student—correction, Minju's favourite. She would watch how her friends fuck her up in the bathroom, pour milk over the girl in the cafeteria and basically do all the things bullies do for fun.

But one fine day, that's when feelings decided to mess up Minju's routine, seemingly forcing her to look out for this puppy-like girl. She would call Yujin out from time to time with the excuse of wanting to fuck her up by herself.

Well, that's not entirely false.

Minju being the head of her group for her godlike visuals and high-end status, she can't be seen being with Yujin by others even though her girl was hot. But still, people see Yujin as the bully's minion.

That was Yujin's life months ago.

The studious girl smirked and pasted the post-it on top of her notebook, tapping it lightly. "My baby must've been good..."

Yujin took her time as she glanced at the clock dangling off the wall—15 minutes.

She tilts her head and slips out of the classroom, thinking they should do this quickly before classes resume.

The girl quietly walks towards their usual place, the storage area in the music room.

She looks around the now empty place that's soon to be crammed with choir members. Yujin turns the doorknob and glimpses inside to see Minju sitting on the long table with her legs crossed.

"What took you so long?" Minju asked, sliding off the table as Yujin closed the door behind her, locking it. The girl's arms swung over Yujin's neck, smiling as she looks at her.

"Didn't you see I was busy studying?" the taller cynically spoke, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. "Why did you call me?" She circles around Minju's neck, planting tiny kisses on it as her hands gripped onto her small waist.

Minju pulls away to look at her. "I didn't do anything today," she whispered with Yujin's hand combed up in her hair. "You didn't do anything today?" Yujin repeated with an apparent smile on her face, thumb brushing the area under Minju's ear.

She pressed her forehead onto Minju's. "You've been a good bully?"

Minju's fingers curled along the sides of her body, dragging up under Yujin's sleeve and pinched her arm. "I told you not to call me that." Yujin chuckled softly.

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