Mommy (GP)

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A girl in wrinkled uniform drags her feet along the segregated, murky alleyways, not caring if she were being catcalled by a couple of homeless men because she's afraid she might be the next one living on the streets.

The moment she reached her little, almost the size of a storage room dorm, a sign was seen hanging right outside her door. She rips it off, squinting her eyes, realising she's about to get evicted from her if she doesn't pay up her rent within the next week. Her deposit's running out like free flow tap water.

"Aish..." she ruthlessly scratched her head, crushing the paper within her palms. "As if they make any money by having students live here." She mumbled, entering her four walls, thinking of it as solitary confinement since there aren't any forms of entertainment here. She couldn't even afford a phone with money looking like loose change for average citizens.

"Fuck." She looks at the time, realising she was late for her part-time job as a restaurant's dishwasher.

She quickly strips out of her school vest, wearing only a white shirt with jeans and ran straight to the restaurant.

The girl wished her parents hadn't died too soon, leaving her in this cruel world that's basically a dead-end for a high schooler with relatives who don't even want to take them in. She wonders why her precious aunt didn't bother looking for her, cutting off all contact from her. So much for all the sweet talk when she was young.

Upon reaching the back of the restaurant, she could see the manager standing there with arms folded, eyebrows forever knitted with her arrival.

The manager walks up to her. "You can't keep on being late. We have customers to serve!" he grumbles and all she could do was hang her head low, not wanting to be in debt if she were to force her anger out on him.

"I told you before, that was the last time I'm closing an eye. I can't have a worker not committing to their given schedule!" he yells while the girl clenched down on her jaw, having no choice but to get hollered at.

After a long lecture, he says, "You're fired." The man turns as the girl held onto his wrist. "Please, I can't lose this job, or I'll be living on the streets tomorrow." She begged but the guy yanked her hand away.

"I've had enough of incompetent kids like you. Get out," he demanded before entering the restaurant, not sparing her another glance.

"Fuck this shit." she gave up, not knowing what else to do, that being the last job she had on the line. The others she had, well, she got fired for sleeping during her shifts. That's the life of a high schooler, all they wished was to have more time.

After pondering while sitting on the bus stop benches, she leaned back onto the glass panel and met with her fate. She's bound to die in a matter of days.

A few days passed, night sky drawing over the heads. The girl has been kicked out of her dormitory with no cash in her hands. As if things could get any worse, her plan of sleeping in the school compound got busted, leaving her on the cold streets.

She just went to the nearby park, right outside a high building, finding a spot that she could at least sit and spend a night on before looking for another part-time job. She's too tired to even move at this point.

The latter found a vacant bench under a huge tree, settling her bag as she sat down. At this point, she had no energy to even feel emotions. She was blunt, already at the lowest point in her life. Things couldn't go further downhill than this, she thought.

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