Him Diddle Riddle

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"Him": One down, eight to go. And remember, you must solve these riddles within the time limit. (to evil voice) Fail in any respect and the Professor and (Y/N) will pay!

Buttercup: You tell us where the Professor and (Y/N) is, "Him"!

"Him": (effeminate voice) Ah-ah-ah. You've brought joy to the people for so many years. Now to their eyes, you must bring tears.

(His face fades away and is replaced by the clock's. Zoom in on the second hand, passing 6.)

"Him": (evil voice-over) You've got two minutes!

Buttercup: That's easy! (She zips away.)

(Cut to an old man using a walker to make his way down the street. She deals him a flying kick, causing him to groan and a tear of pain to trickle from his eye. This gives way to a fit of crying.)

Buttercup: One down, 10 million to go!

(Now she flies up to a baby carriage. Reaching in, she snatches up a rattle and makes its owner start bawling over the loss. Bubbles, meanwhile, has approached a Marine in full regalia: uniform, buzz cut, rows of medals, sword at his belt, totally deadpan expression.)

Bubbles: My puppy's lost!

(Her "dilemma" has no immediate effect except to draw his gaze, but after a long moment, he reacts as he starts sobbing and she walks away happily.)

Marine: Dear, no!...Why?...WHY??

(Cut to the girls. Buttercup catches a woman with a series of kicks, while Bubbles sits by a baby.)

Blossom: (uneasily) I don't know if this is the right way to do this.

Bubbles: (to baby) Your puppy is lost!

Buttercup: (knocking woman down) You're right. It'll take too long. (The clock ticks on. Cut to Blossom.)

Blossom: There's got to be another way! (Pull back; she is floating over a puddle in the gutter.) Think. Think!

(A car speeds past her, splattering the puddle over her. She is left with water dripping from her hair bow and running down her face. The latter gives the illusion that she has been crying. Bubbles is still with the baby, who is now actually crying.)

Bubbles: Blossom! What has to your eyes brought tears? (Blossom wipes her face and looks at her wet hand.)

Blossom: That's it! To the lake! (She takes off. Her sisters follow.)

(Cut to them in flight.)

Blossom: "Him" didn't say to make tears come from their eyes, but to bring tears to them!

(They fly to a lake and stop just above its surface. Blossom hits the water with her eye lasers. Bubbles and Buttercup follow her lead, and bubbles start to rise. A moment later, the lake is completely empty and a huge dark cloud floats in midair—all the water has boiled off. Now they fly up to the cloud and start blowing, pushing it toward the city proper. Cut to one street, where people are going about their business. The view darkens and thunder rumbles overhead. They look up and find the cloud moving in to hide the sun. Pull back over the city as the girls fly into the darkness. Cut to them inside the cloud.)

Buttercup: Now what?

Blossom: (rubbing her hands together) A little static electricity!

(Sparks fly from her hands—her lightning power making its first appearance since "Mo Job." Pull back out of the cloud as flashes of lightning appear. In an instant, the townspeople find themselves standing in the middle of a downpour. As they look up happily, rainwater runs down their faces, creating false tears in their eyes. Close-up of the bottom of the clock face as the girls reach into view to do a triumphant three-way high five.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ