Child Fearing

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville... (Pulls back slowly.) host to the annual Meeting of the Minds, (Pan over to the girls' house.) where our man Professor is not only guest speaker, but he's also...

(Close-up of the front room window. We see his silhouette running frantically back and forth in a panic at missing the convention.)

Professor: (through window) Late! I'm late!

(Inside, he is at the bathroom sink, working quickly.)

Professor: Got to hurry! Got to hurry!

(He brushes his teeth, then grabs his deodorant off the counter and smears it into his hair, unaware he was putting it on the wrong area. Next he picks up a can of hair spray and squirts himself under each arm - while still wearing his white lab coat, again unaware of the mistake due to his panic. The girls are waiting at the foot of the stairs; he rushes down, holding his briefcase and with all this mess still on him.)

Professor: Bye, girls! (He dashes o.c.)

Blossom: Oh, Professor!

Professor: (rushing back) What?

Blossom: Forgot your hat!

(She produces it from behind her back; he bends down and she puts it on his head.)

Professor: Thanks. Bye!

(He dashes o.c. again; we hear the door slam. The girls exchange knowing glances with one another. After a few seconds, we hear the door open and the Professor runs across the room in front of them. The sound of a phone being dialed is heard, and the camera pulls back to show him making a call, with the girls still at the foot of the stairs.)

Buttercup: Forget the babysitter?

Professor: No, no, I forgot the babysitter.

(Cut to a video game that looks very much like one from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 64. The main character is standing in a corridor, whose walls he keeps running into. Over his shoulder is a white fairy with wings similar to Navi, that occasionally cries "Hey!" After several seconds, a large stone block falls on him, and the message "You Just Lost Five Lives..." appears while he revives. Now he begins to swing his sword randomly, finally hitting the winged blob. Message: "You just killed your own Fairy. Start Over?" Pull back to reveal the Mayor, playing this game in his office. (Y/N) sitting on the floor waiting for his brother to get him. )

Mayor: Ohhh! Blast it! (The phone rings; he answers it impatiently.) Yes? Uh-huh. Uh... Uh, sure. A babysitter. Uh... Okay. I'll be right over. Bye. (He taps the hook and dials a new number.) Hello, Warden? I need a babysitter. Yeah, yeah, yeah, full pardon. Bye. (He hangs up and goes back to his game. We hear him slay the fairy again.) Oh, rats! Darn fairy!

((Y/N) looks at the Mayor like is he crazy.)

(Y/N): THE $&@&

(Cut to the exterior of the house. The Professor is in his car, waving goodbye. The girls are just inside the open front door, looking out.)

Professor: Now, be good, girls, and listen to the babysitter. (He drives off; cut to inside the door.)

Girls: We will! Good luck!

(They close the door. A moment later there is a loud hammering on it and their eyes pop wide open. We see it from their perspective as it is opened to reveal...)

Girls: Mojo Jojo?! (Cut to just behind them.)

Mojo: That is correct! It is I, Mojo Jojo, who is (His perspective; he points at them.) your babysitter! (Cut to him, advancing slowly.) I will be sitting you babies, which means you will listen to me! You will obey every command! (Cut to them against the wall; he continues o.c.) I give the orders, (leaning into view) and you will follow them! Therefore, I order you to help me... (Extreme close-up of his eyes.) take...over...Townsville!

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora