Los Dos Mojos

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day. Part of a piece of machinery is visible at the bottom edge of the screen.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville... (Turn down slightly; the machinery is the pulley of a crane, and the lower portions of the buildings have their structural ironwork exposed.) ...is under renovation!

(Close-up of one building, panning across it as he continues. People are seated at office desks and trying to do work, even though the wind blows all their papers away from them. One man just arrived at his job, braces himself against the gusts.)

Narrator: But that doesn't hinder the daily life of its citizens. No, sir!

(At a street corner, people are waiting for a bus. As the Narrator continues, it rolls up—its outer body is gone, leaving only the seats and chassis—and everybody gets on.)

Narrator: Yes, the hustle and bustle of life goes on as usual. (The bus rolls away.)

(Cut to Mojo Jojo, piloting a small hovercraft among the buildings.)

Narrator: Even the evil Mojo Jojo maintains his daily routine of evildoing. (He speeds o.c.; cut to the girls in flight.) But thankfully, the Powerpuff Girls also stay right on schedule—and on Mojo's trail. (They fly o.c.) Go, girls! Go!

(Mojo rockets along, passing a crane with a beam suspended high above the ground; the girls are in hot pursuit. He laughs to himself for several seconds, then stops suddenly. Surprise registers on his face.)

Mojo: Huh? (He stops his craft just short of a wall of girders.) Dead end?! I can go no further! It is the end of the line!

(As he speaks, the girls' reflections appear in the rear portion of the glass dome—they are approaching from behind.)

Blossom: We've got you now— (Pull back; now we see them, and he has turned around.)

Buttercup: —Mojo—

Bubbles: —Jojo!

Blossom: Power up, girls!

(One by one, they warm up their eye lasers; all three then cut loose against the hovercraft, but are unable to damage it. Mojo laughs back at them.)

Mojo: You cannot hurt me with your puny eye beams! (Close-up of a button on his control panel; he continues o.c.) But why don't you try on this I-beam for size?

(On the word "this," he reaches into view and presses the button. A cannon on the edge of the craft fires a laser blast that slices neatly through the cable holding up the girder on the crane. It plummets toward the girls, who are still firing; Blossom cuts off her lasers and looks up, Buttercup follows suit. Bubbles pays no attention.)

Blossom: Scramble! (She and Buttercup dive aside.) Bubbles! Look out!

(Bubbles finally stops her assault and looks up just in time to be smashed down o.c. by the girder.)

Blossom, Buttercup: Bubbles!

(Overhead view of the fallen girl, lying in the middle of the street. The girder lies nearby. Zoom in slowly, then cut to a view from street level as Mojo's hovercraft descends. He laughs in triumph, inspecting the damage he has inflicted. Extreme close-up of his face, panning across.)

Mojo: I, Mojo Jojo, have knocked you out! I have put you in a state of unconsciousness! (His perspective of her; he continues o.c.) Ha-ha! I laugh at your pain! (She forces her eyes partway open.) I make a sound of pleasure at your shortcomings!

(Extreme close-up of her; now we can see Mojo's reflection in her eyes, which are fully open.)

Mojo: I do this because...— (Her perspective of him, her eyes partly open again.) —I am bad! I am evil! I am... (Her eyes start to close.) ...Mojo Jojo!

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