Gettin' twiggy with it

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back into the suburbs as he continues.) Home of one of our nation's most prestigious and industrious learning centers.

(Camera stops pulling back and zooms in on...)

Narrator: Pokey Oaks Kindergarten!

(Dissolve to the classroom and pan slowly along it as he continues. Two girls are cutting out a decoration for the wall, while others are hard at work cleaning up the place.)

Narrator: Where the students take pride in making their school a better place for all.

(Stop on Elmer Sglue, who is dumping a bucket of blocks into the toy chest, then cut to Twiggy, the class hamster. It looks up toward the top of its cage and sniffs the air anxiously, then starts jumping up and down as if to get at something. Turn up slightly to show a hand holding a food pellet just out of reach; pull back to reveal it as Mitch Mitchellson's. He takes no small amount of delight in making the poor animal suffer in this way for his own sadistic amusement. Pull back again; the girls are watching the ordeal with considerable displeasure and rising anger.)

Blossom: Mitch Mitchellson! If you don't stop torturing Twiggy...

(She is cut off by the ringing of the bell. The kids race for the door in an excited frenzy, but find Ms. Keane blocking their egress. She clears her throat, making it clear she has to remind the class of something they forgot before she dismisses them for the day.)

Ms. Keane: Aren't we forgetting something? It's Friday. Somebody has to take Twiggy home.

(On the end of this, pan quickly to the hamster in its cage, putting her o.c. It blinks a couple of times, after which the camera cuts back to the class.)

Ms. Keane: Normally it would be (Y/N) taking care of twiggy but he's out camping. Now, which one of you wants to volunteer, hmm?

(Pan across the kids, all of whom are waving and clamoring for a chance at this job.)

Ms. Keane: Hmm, let's see. How about... (Stop on the girls, then pan quickly back to Mitch. She gasps softly.) ...Mitch Mitchellson!

Mitch: YEAHHHH!!!

Girls: (shocked) Mitch Mitchellson?!

Bubbles: B-B-But...Ms. Keane...Mitch is mean! (Pull back to show Ms. Keane by them on this line.)

Blossom: Yeah, he's just gonna torture poor Twiggy.

Ms. Keane: Now, now, girls. Why don't you give Mitch a chance?

(On the end of this, cut to Mitch with his arms around the cage. He smiles beseechingly, and a halo appears above his head. Back to the four, the girls looking rather deflated.)

Ms. Keane: See? He's harmless. (Mitch runs up, carrying the cage.)

Mitch: Gee! Thanks, Ms. Keane! (patting cage) I'll take real good care of Twiggy.

(Cut to a close-up of a very worried Twiggy as he finishes. The hamster then retreats from the camera - now the scene has changed to the sidewalk in front of the school, and Mitch is bicycling away with the cage under his arm. He laughs as he rolls off. Pan to the girls, who are watching him leave.)

Buttercup: I don't trust him.

Blossom: Neither do I. Come on! (They take off.)

(Cut to them in flight, keeping pace with Mitch and staying well above him and far enough away that he doesn't see or hear them following him to raise his suspicion of being followed because someone knows of his true sinister plans for Twiggy, then to him as he rolls across town. He travels through the suburbs and crosses a set of railroad tracks, beyond which the scenery instantly degenerates into trailer-park squalor. His journey takes him toward the outskirts of this section of town and into the Shady Glenn Estates park; the sign informs us that there are no vacancies. Finally he dismounts, letting his bike fall to the grass, and runs into one trailer. Inside, an old woman dozes in front of a TV showing static.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ