Mo job

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, in the style of a child's crayon drawing and marked with an arrow labeled "Townsville." The sun shines overhead.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Turn down slightly to street level to show the girls next to the buildings. They too are labeled.)

Narrator: where you can plan on seeing the Powerpuff Girls.

(Pull back; we see Princess Morebucks on the other side of the buildings. Labeled "Me," she is cutting through the architecture with a large saw, also marked. The sun has a label as well. The entire diagram is labeled "Big Big Plan, fig. 1.")

Narrator: And drawing upon that fact, the evil Princess saw to a scheme—

(The real Princess reaches into view and pulls the drawing aside, exposing another one underneath it. The buildings now lie on their side in the girls' former location; Princess and the sun both smile at the fact. The toppling is represented by a curved arrow labeled "Fall"; the drawing is labeled "Fig. 2.")

Narrator: —that would leave the girls flat.

(We hear Princess growl shrilly in anger and frustration, and she scribbles all over the page, obliterating it. Pull back; she crumples the paper and hurls it at a wastebasket that is already overflowing with balled-up pages. She is in her bedroom at home, wearing her faux-Powerpuff outfit and with a stack of paper before her. She quickly whips up another schematic, this one showing the girls tied to a large bottle rocket and Princess lighting the fuse. The rocket is aimed at Mars, which is labeled; the girls are marked with the words "I Hate Them." She looks this over, then grits her teeth, crumples it, and throws it away. The entire stack is balled up next.)

Princess: (lifting huge ball) I can't think of a good plan! Uhh!

(She throws it across the room; it ricochets off a lamp, then hits a diploma on the wall—signed by her father—and bounces off the power button of a TV set, turning it on. A news program comes up, with Stanley Whitfield at the anchor desk. Next to him is a graphic of a pink triangle with the program title "Hard-Line" beneath it.)

Whitfield: The Powerpuff Girls defeated?

(Cut to Princess, who turns in surprise, then to the TV again. We see the girls laid up in the hospital and they look like they were given a pretty good beating.)

Whitfield: (voice over) Not quite.

(Princess blows a loud raspberry; now Mojo Jojo is shown being led down a prison cellblock.)

Whitfield: (voice over) There'll be no more monkeying around for self-denounced simian Mojo Jojo. (Princess watches, transfixed; a cell door is heard slamming, and we see Mojo in a cell.) For that dastardly doer of evils, most arch of archenemies, is behind bars now. (Back to Princess.) But it was a close call for our heroes. (Close-up of Mojo.) For they only narrowly escaped the clutches of the ingenious plan— (Back to Princess; zoom in slowly.) —crafted by that best evil plot-planner, Mojo Jojo. How long 'til his evil plans take hold?

[Continuity error: Mojo is in convict stripes when he is led along the cellblock, but he wears his usual clothes once he is in the cell.]

(She smiles wickedly. Dissolve to a jagged hole in the floor and pan along it. Water is heard bubbling, and the following items are seen strewn about: a file and shovel, followed by various pieces of prison-issue clothing. A toilet with a fuzzy top is in the background, and bath towels hang on a rack. One is marked with an M, the other with a J—we are in Mojo's bathroom, into which he has tunneled during a successful escape attempt. Camera stops on the bathtub and turns up slightly to show his feet protruding from a mound of soap bubbles. He sighs contentedly o.c., and the camera pans to the other end of the tub, where a rubber duckie floats on the bubbles. He pops his head out and blows bubbles happily, then sighs again and sinks down.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now