Power Lunch

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Cut to a mini-mart—Circle J, perhaps.) Where crackers are on sale for $1.49!

(Inside, the clerk has been bound and gagged with duct tape.)

Narrator: And that no-good Gangreen Gang is up to no good!

(On the end of this, pan across the store to Ace, standing at a frozen-drink machine. He shoves his head under the nozzle and squirts a load into his mouth. A moment later, he snaps upright screaming, hands to his head. He is suffering from the classic "brain freeze" that comes from eating ice cream too fast. When it subsides, he pants and hangs his head to catch his breath in relief, then brightens and goes in for another mouthful, despite knowing the consequences of what will happen if he does it again. Cut to a jar of gumballs on the counter.)

Ace: (from o.c.) NOOOOOOO!!

(As he screams from a second dose of brain freeze, Snake reaches into view and picks up the jar. He tips the contents into his mouth eagerly. Close-up of a nacho cheese dispenser. Pull back to show Lil' Arturo hammering on the nozzle to pump cheese into Grubber's mouth to engorge on. Big Billy is working on a handful of lollipops. He gets them stuck on the end of his tongue, then pulls the lot into his mouth and starts chewing.)

(Grubber jumps toward the camera, holding two canisters of potato chips—the logo looks very much like that of the Pringles brand. When he lands, the chips fly out of their containers and land in his mouth. At the coffee machine, Lil' Arturo pours himself a cup and drinks it down quickly. Tossing the cup over his shoulder, he then grabs the pot and chugs that as well. He throws it aside, and the caffeine goes to work on him—he jitters and jackhammers back and forth on the counter.)

(Snake stretches a piece of gum and bites down on it. Grubber eats a hot dog, Ace a Popsicle, Big Billy a lollipop, Lil' Arturo a brownie. These shots are shown as close-ups as Snake chewing on gum and Grubber drinking soda from the soda bottle. We see two more cycles through the group, zooming each time, as they continue to chow down. A sudden flash of light fills the screen, the word "Powerpuff" flashes, letter by letter. When it clears, we see the girls at the door, and looking none too happy at the Gangreen Gang's little junk food binge/all-you-can-eat buffet that they have been making of the edible items in the mini-mart. All five members stop eating when they notice them—Grubber spits out some soda—and the clerk smiles behind his duct tape.)

Ace, Snake, Lil' Arturo, Big Billy: The Powerpuff Girls?! (Grubber's tongue hangs limp.)

Blossom: Yes! Now drop the goods, you goons!

Ace: Girls, girls, you got us all wrong!

(A pause, after which, instead of trying to explain their actions to the Girls, the Gang chooses to run o.c. Blossom sighs wearily at how she and her sisters have to chase down these delinquents again. Cut to outside the back door of the mini-mart. The Gang emerges and comically flee the scene. They run down the corner and duck into a dark alley, but stop short upon finding that it is a...)

Ace: Dead end?!

Blossom: (from o.c.) You got that right!

(The Gangreen Gang turns in horror to find the girls are at the mouth of the alley, meaning the Gang are trapped with nowhere to escape now. Their eyes begin to glow, and they cut loose with their lasers after a second. The beams connect dead on. We see silhouettes of the Gang against a background of flickering white light, then the girls from behind, firing upward. The five delinquents hang suspended in midair.)

Narrator: Ha-ha! Way to go, girls! Oh, but wait!

(Close-up of Ace. Zoom in on him, his system starting to glow, as the Narrator continues.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt