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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pan across and turn down to a street; the light changes and people cross.) A handsome hamlet bustling with life.

(A fellow whose clothes suggest he might be from Texas steps to the corner, looks down at his watch, and whistles to hail a passing taxi. Overhead view of a coffee cup on a table as it is picked up; during the next line, pull back to show it held by one of three laughing people seated around an outdoor table at a café.)

Narrator: A beautiful burg where the sound of laughter fills the air.

(Other customers laugh as well. A young man and woman, lost in each other's eyes, walk along in front of the café.)

Narrator: But tread lightly, young lovers.

(The ground shakes; they look up in shock as a shadow covers them, and he jumps into her arms.)

Narrator: Beauty walks the razor's edge in this broken borough.

(Cut to the shadow's source as it moves into view: a towering gray lizard beast with seven eyes.)

Narrator: And terror is just around the corner!

(The creature spits an energy beam from its mouth toward the ground. Flames and screams start to rise toward it as it smiles maliciously. A man runs near one of its feet.)

Narrator: Someone, do something!

(The monster only smiles. At a newsstand, a man has his head buried in a paper while the proprietor closes up shop.)

Narrator: Oh, man! This carnage is creeping me out!

(The newspaper reader looks up, alarmed. Cut to just outside the front doors of Malph's Market; they slide open and an old woman slowly emerges.)

Old woman: Run for your lives! (Several screaming customers charge out past her.)

Narrator: What's wrong with you people?! (Cut to a city bus; its driver panics.) Get ahold of yourselves!

(Said driver takes a flying leap and crashes out through the door, the camera panning back toward the rear of the bus as he does so to show all the passengers also in terror. The vehicle speeds o.c. to the sound of a crash; pull back to show that it has just gone over the side of the bridge and is plummeting toward the water. As the passengers' screams tear the air, cut to just outside a donut shop. Two cops step outside and look, still carrying their sinkers and coffee. During the next line, they get the full measure of what they are up against.)

Narrator: Ohh...isn't anyone brave enough to stand up to this terrible tyrant?!

(The cops retreat slowly to the donut shop, the doors slamming shut once they are in. Now the beast lifts one giant foot.)

Narrator: Looks like this is Sayonara, Townsville!

(The foot comes down and crushes a building. The monster laughs over the destruction, but is suddenly cut off by a piece of debris that is flung into view to strike it in the head.)

Narrator: But wait! What's this? Someone has issued a challenge! (Cut to the girls charging.) It's the Powerpuff Girls!

(They land a blow that knocks the monster off balance for a moment. When it stands upright, there is a bit of drool on its lower lip; it wipes this away and roars. The girls go in for another pass, but the monster is ready this time—it claps its hands, sending out waves of energy from them. The girls gasp sharply, an instant before the blinding glare of the assault washes over them and fills the screen. When it fades away, we see a close-up of Buttercup, motionless in midair, smoke curling up from her, and looking as if a hand grenade just went off in her lap.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt