Too Pooped to Puff

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of in need of some...

(Close-up of a terrified woman. An alarm is heard ringing.)


(As she screams, pull back quickly to show the scene as a bank lobby and her as a teller. Two masked robbers brandish guns and hold bags of money. A crash shakes the camera; Blossom lands, her back to us, and she and her sisters go to work on the thugs. After several seconds of pounding, cut to another close-up of the teller, triumph and relief on her face.)

Woman 1 (Teller): Hooray!

(Pull back to the sound of cheering from the other tellers. The girls stand atop the defeated criminals. Cut to outside the bank entrance, where a police car is parked. The doors open, and the girls carry the robbers out. Cut to behind them, the camera pointing at the car's hood - where its driver is lounging and eating a donut, apparently not at all bugged by the Girls doing most of his work and actually enjoying having more free time thanks to them. Zoom in slowly on him.)

Policeman: Hey, uh...uh, Powerpuff Girls, uh...thanks for catchin' those crooks. We, um... (biting into donut) ...we couldn't a done it without youse. (Another bite.) Mmmm...oh, man, this is good. Oh, um...while you're at it, would you, uh, mind, uh...bookin' 'em, too?

(The girls trade a disgusted look at this lack of appreciation for their success or support in it as well, especially from one of Townsville's Finest. Their thoughts are interrupted by another woman's voice.)

Woman 2: (from o.c.) Powerpuff Girls... (Close-up of her.) HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!

(Pull back as she screams; she is in the window of an apartment building engulfed in flames. The other inhabitants join her in her cry for help as fire-engine sirens approach.)

Kid 1: Help! (He is whisked away.)

Woman 2: Help!

Woman 3: Help! (These two are pulled from their windows.)

(Now the girls go to work at full speed, carrying the rest of the residents to safety and flying in tight circles around the building, from the roof down. By the time they reach the ground floor, the fire is out. Close-up of a woman with her hair in curlers.)

Curler woman: Hooray!

(Pull back; the other tenants, gathered around her, cheer as well. Among them: two kids, an old man, a fellow with a towel around his waist and a scrub brush in his hand, and a Japanese geisha. The girls land in front of them. Cut to a bored-looking fireman, not at all upset at the Girls having pretty much handled the entire emergency without them needing to lend an assist.)

Fireman 1: Oh, great job, girls. I didn't even have to move a muscle. Oh, and, uh, while you're at it...

(Pull back. He is lounging on the back of a fire engine; a Dalmatian sits nearby.)

Fireman 1: ...would you mind walking Spot over here? He needs to go.

(Again, the girls look rather disgusted at this show of apathy and lack of appreciation, this time from Townsville's Bravest, and again their stewing is cut off by a cry for help - this time a man's.)

Man 1: (from o.c.) Powerpuff Girls! HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!

(Snap to black. A squeak of metal against metal is heard, and after a moment, the screen is illuminated by the glow of a light bulb - the sound came from it being screwed into its socket. Cut to outside a nuclear power plant. One darkened window lights up; this is where the bulb was put in. Inside, a technician leans back in his chair, near a set of control panels. He is the one who called for help.)

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