Boogie Frights

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville. (Pan across the city as he continues.) And like most cities, Townsville prepares its young for bed as evening approaches.

(In the windows of one building, we see parents dressing their children in pajamas, helping them brush their teeth, and tucking them into bed.)

Narrator: The same is true in the home of the Powerpuff Girls. (Camera stops on their house and zooms in.)

(Inside, the girls are dressed for bed, but not quite ready for sleep. Blossom is sitting up in bed, Buttercup is jumping on it in anger, and Bubbles is surveying a pile of stuffed animals worriedly.)

Buttercup: Man, I'm not ready for bed yet! (Zoom in slowly on Blossom as Bubbles grabs some stuffed animals.)

Blossom: Now, girls, you know we need to get plenty of sleep. It's our responsibility as superheroines to be well-rested so that we'll be at peak crime-fighting performance whenever evil rears its ugly head.

(As she continues, a large lump moves into view and makes its way up Bubbles' section of the bed, in the center.)

Blossom: And, like Ben Franklin always said— (The lump emerges; it is the pile of stuffed animals Bubbles collected, followed by Bubbles' arms.) "Early to bed, early to wake, makes a lady smart, pretty, and great."

(Bubbles remains under the covers, only her arms in view. Cut to Buttercup's side of the bed.)

Buttercup: Yeah, yeah— (Bubbles peeks out.) —but all the fun stuff happens at night. Parties, dancing, nightclubs and stuff. (snapping her fingers) Girl, it'll be awesome once we're old enough to go out after dark. Right, Bubbles?

Bubbles: (She is terrified.)

Buttercup: What do you mean, "no"?

Bubbles: I don't know. (Pull back.)

Buttercup: You're not afraid of the dark, are you?

Bubbles: No.

Buttercup: You ain't scared of monsters under the bed, are you?

(Blossom looks nervously over the edge of the bed; Bubbles cries out and pulls the covers back up.)

Bubbles: (shaking) No.

Buttercup: Well, then. I guess you wouldn't be afraid of the Boogie Man, either.

Blossom, Bubbles: (Bubbles pulling covers down a bit) Who?

(Buttercup leans over Bubbles menacingly; as she speaks, her sister becomes increasingly fearful.)

Buttercup: Boogie Man! The creepiest, scariest, nastiest, long-finger-and-pointy-teeth-havingest, little-kid-gettingest monster in the WORLD! (backing off) But don't worry. He only comes out...

(She turns off the light and leans forward again. Now, we see her only as a silhouette, with the pointy parts of her hair curling up like horns and her eyes shining in the darkness. She cuts a fearsome little figure.)

Buttercup: ...after dark!

(Bubbles screams. The Professor bursts into the room, silhouetted in the light from the hall upon hearing Bubbles scream.)

Professor: Wha—?!

(Now Bubbles and Blossom both scream.)

Professor: Whoa!

Blossom, Bubbles: IT'S THE BOOGIE MAN!!

Professor: What? (turning lights on) Boogie Man? What's going on in here?!

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