Bubble Boy

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(Cut to the sidewalk that runs along the front of Malph's Market. A man stands before a couple of vending machines, trying to make up his mind what he wants.)

Narrator: ...sure has been taking a beating!

(Close-up of him. As he is about to insert a dollar bill into the soda machine, an arm clad in a red sleeve, Brick reaches into view and taps him on the shoulder.)

Narrator: Why you might even get popped for a pop!

(The man turns to look, and the camera pans slightly in that direction to show the Rowdyruff Boys floating there. Brick socks him in the jaw; as he falls, he lets go of the money. Butch catches it and feeds it into the machine; the injured fellow starts to sit up, but Boomer kicks the front of the unit and breaks it open. Dozens of cans of soda tumble out over the boys' victim, burying him, and they drop to the ground. Each has grabbed a can in his respective color; they drink up.)

Brick: Man! Beating up people for fun is really fun!

Butch: Yeah!

Boomer: Yeah! Beating up people for fun is really fun!

(Brick hurls his can into Boomer's face, hard enough to crush it on impact, and the latter covers his face in pain.)

Boomer: Ow!

Brick: Dude, that is the dumbest thing you've said all day!

Boomer: Well, you said the same thing! (Butch laughs.)

Brick: Yeah, but it sounds cool coming out of my mouth!

Butch: Why don't you go do something useful?

Brick: Yeah! Go get us some candy! (Boomer looks around a moment.) Now!

(Boomer takes off; Butch flies up into the sky.)

Butch: And make sure you steal it! (to Brick) Can you believe he's our brother?

Brick: I know.

(Brief silence, during which they look around themselves distractedly.)

Brick: Man! Beating up people for fun is really fun!

Butch: Yeah! (He laughs.)

(The city skyline is seen again; the girls fly over it.)

Blossom: Come on, girls. Let's do one more scan over the city and head home.

(They fly o.c. Cut to Boomer, trudging grumpily down a sidewalk.)

Boomer: I don't care what they say. I'm not as dumb as I look!

(The o.c. a ringing of a small bell, such as might be attached to a shop's door to signal arriving customers, draws his attention. Cut to the source: a rather hefty little boy who has just left a candy store. He has a full bag in one hand.)

Boy: I just spent every penny of my hard-earned allowance to buy this candy.

(Boomer flashes across the screen and plows the lad o.c.; cut to a tree, with which he has collided face first, and pan left a bit. The assailant has the bag of candy in one hand and a large piece in the other.)

Boomer: Cool! Jawbreaker! (Pull back at ground level to just behind Blossom's legs.)

Blossom: You called?

(Head-on view of all three girls at the scene.)

Bubbles: Put down the candy, sucker...

Buttercup: ...or else! (Boomer has dropped the bag, but holds the jawbreaker.)

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