The Gift

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(Theme Song)

(The Powerpuff Girls' house, decorated in Christmas lights everywhere, at the exterior, appears)

(Blossom crosses out the 24th of December with an X in red marker)

Blossom: (Wearing a glossy red ribbon bow and red and green pajamas) Tomorrow's the day, girls. You know what that means.

Buttercup and Bubbles: (Wearing brown pajamas with light brown fur, a red nose, and dark light brown antlers and a dark blue outfit with a white collar for Bubbles' neck and sleeves, a small rectangle light blue black belt, black elf boots, and a dark blue cone hat with a red ribbon in the middle) Christmas!

Blossom: That's right! It's time. (As the camera closes in on her) Get... the chest.

(Buttercup and Bubbles rapidly gets the said chest and puts it on their bed)

Buttercup: Chest required.

(All 3 Girls stand in front of the chest)

Blossom: Okay, now take out your keys.

(As Blossom shows her pink heart key and Buttercup shows her green skull key, Bubbles takes out car keys)

Blossom: Uh, Bubbles, those are the Professor's car keys.

Bubbles: (Laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her head) Oops.

(Outside of the house, the Professor is having no luck opening the car, which has antlers and a red nose, with Bubbles' cat key) Hmm, why won't this open?

Bubbles: (Rapidly gets her key as the car keys are back in the Professor's hand) Thanks, Professor.

Professor: Ah. (The car's alarm goes off scaring him)

(Bubbles is back standing on the bed with her sisters)

Blossom: All right, on the count of three. One, two, three! (All 3 of them put their keys in and the chest opens as Blossom looks in awe taking something out from it) There it is. (Takes out a mug that says "#1 Dad," making Bubbles and Buttercup look at it in awe)

Buttercup: It's the perfect Christmas present for the Professor.

Blossom: Just think. Every time he drinks his morning coffee, he will be reminded that he is indeed the #1 Dad. (In the vision, the Professor holding the mug is shown as he winks his eye)

Bubbles: Ooh, and since we saved up all our allowance for it, maybe Santa will give us something special.

Buttercup: Yeah, like... (Jumps above the bed and turns into a green water gun) A super sonic water soaker!

Bubbles: Or... (Jumps above the bed and turns into a blue squid) A squid for Octi to play with.

Buttercup: Ah, yeah! Santa's gonna put us on the nice list for sure now! (While being a blue squid, Buttercup, as a green water gun, lands on Bubbles' tentacles shooting green water)

Blossom: (Holding the mug) Ah, well, girls, you know Santa's not, you know...

Bubbles and Buttercup: (As Bubbles cocks the gun) Santa's not what?

Blossom: Santa's not actually... a real thing.

Bubbles and Buttercup: What?! (The blue squid and the green water gun disappear as they are in shock and they fly back to the bed)

Buttercup: (Angry, in Blossom's face) You take that back! Santa is real!

(They land back onto the bed)

Bubbles: Yeah!

Blossom: Well, I mean, don't you think (picks up a snow globe) it's a little outrageous that there's a guy who lives at the North Pole who is able to deliver presents to billions of kids across the world in one night?

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