City of Clipsville

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Note: WD = wavering dissolve.

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (dramatically) Where the Powerpuff Girls can usually be found cleaning up the bad elements of the city.

(Cut to the exterior of the girls' house. He assumes a much lighter tone; as he continues, zoom in on the bedroom windows and dissolve to the open closet door. Toys and clothes are scattered all around.)

Narrator: But today, they're simply cleaning out their closet.

(A stuffed rabbit is flung out and across the room, squeaking after it passes o.c. Cut to the girls, sitting in the closet around a box of assorted items. Buttercup fishes around in it and comes up with a green blanket—the one she depended on in "Cover Up.")

Buttercup: Wow, remember this? (cuddling it) Mmm—my old lucky blanket.

Blossom: How could we forget?

(WD to just outside the shut closet door, behind which Buttercup's whispering can be heard, and zoom in—we are now in a flashback to that episode. The two girls float into view, cocking their heads to listen, and Blossom opens the door. Camera shifts to inside the doorway, looking out and pulls back quickly. Buttercup is sitting on the floor, cradling the blanket.)

Buttercup: (whispering) I am a good fighter. I am a good fighter.

(A look of total shock comes over her sisters' faces. She looks up hastily, guilt was written all over her own, as the lights come on. She whips the blanket behind her back as they go inside, doing her best to conceal it from her sisters.)

Blossom: What are you doing?

Buttercup: (nervously) I was, uh...uh...just um, uh...practicing my spelling.

Bubbles: (flying behind her) What's behind your back? (Buttercup moves the blanket.)

Buttercup: Nothing.

Blossom: Come on! Show us!

Buttercup: No!

(She flies away with the blanket, but the others are not far behind. They chase her all over the house until Bubbles finally grabs hold of her. Blossom takes the blanket away and looks at it, puzzled.)

Blossom: Huh? What's this for? (Buttercup struggles, grunting, and breaks free of Bubbles' hold.)

Buttercup: It's my blanket! It gives me the strength to be a great fighter!

(Blossom and Bubbles giggle at this.)

Buttercup: (angrily) What?! What's so funny?!

(WD back to the present on the previous line. Bubbles shakes her head sadly.)

Blossom: You couldn't fight without it. (Pause.)

Buttercup: (tossing blanket away) I don't remember.

Blossom: Remember when we found (Y/N) in that underground fighting ring?

(WD to outside of (Y/N)'s house seeing (Y/N) leaving his room. The girls follow close behind as we then see the girls in the stands of a sketchy ring.)

(The announcer gets on the ring with a microphone.)

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the ring.

(Crooks of all types applaud to the ring.)

Announcer: The reigning champion the undefeated, the indestructible, the menace of the ring. (R/N).

(R/N) means ring name.

((Y/N) then comes out of the shadows with battle bandages and a fighting outfit.)

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