[21] Carapace to the Rescue P2

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Running ninja-style, Izuku ran through the forest to find the rest of the students.

While searching, he bumped into a few students like Yaoyorozu and most of the students from 1B who defeated some of the villains

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While searching, he bumped into a few students like Yaoyorozu and most of the students from 1B who defeated some of the villains. Like what he did to the students who needed to take remedial classes, he sent them all to the USJ where they could at least 'cool off' from all the fighting. While running he heard some kind of commotion behind some bushes.

"DIE!!!!!!!" a voice said causing him to stop in place.

"Kachan you idiot," Izuku said since he had a feeling he wouldn't listen. Using his speed, he ran toward his old friend's scream. He arrived to see Bakugo and Todoroki carrying an unconscious person.

"Show me.......sweet flesh," the villain known as Moonfish said as he unleashed blades from his teeth toward the boys. Luckily for them, Izuku used his Katanas and knocked them away.

"Phew made it just in time," he said putting away his swords.

"Izuku!" Todoroki said looking at the suit he was wearing.

"Deku?! Your Carapace!" Bakugo said seeing his old friend in a ripped-up version of his suit. 

"Yeah, Yeah, I know and I'm sorry," he said before summoning his Odachi.

"What? For hiding that you're a vigilante?" Bakugo said readying his explosions.

"No, for this," he said before running at blinding speed around the boys forming a portal underneath them. 

"What in the......" Bakugo said before falling through the portal with Todoroki. "What are you...."

"Well actually, not sorry," was the last thing Bakugo heard before he and Todoroki fell through the portal and disappeared. 

"YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Moonfish shouted recovering from his early attack. "If I can't have their flesh, I'll have to deal with yours"

In response, Izuku summoned his Katanas and got ready to fight, until a large roar gained both of their attention. The two turned their heads to see one of 1A's classmates, Mezo Shoji, running in their direction as if he were being chased.

"Tokoyami! Take control of Dark Shadow!" he said running past the two.

"What in the..." both thought until their thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of destruction coming in their direction. They both looked in the direction to see a humungous shadowy, monster-like being going on a rampage.

"Wait, I know this quirk," Izuku said as he stared at the red-eyed beast going on a rampage. 

"Don't get my way," Moonfish screamed as he unleashed multiple teeth at him. Unfortunately, the blades barely affected it. Izuku went on the defensive when he saw the monster lift its claw to attack. As the claw went down, it didn't strike Izuku but instead the villain who unleashed his crazy teeth.

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