[10] Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Izumi

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It was now time for the 1st round of the 1-on-1 fighting. Izumi went up into the arena in front of Shinso Hitoshi. While Shinso gave her a creepy smile, she had a face of seriousness. 

"I don't have time for this guy. I just need to get to Uraraka" Izumi mentally said

"Ok. Let the Battle BEGIN!!!!!!" Present Mic announced

Shinso was about to say something until Izumi used telekinesis, lifted him up, and tossed him out of the ring leaving a huge dent in the wall.


Everyone in the crowd cheered while Izuku sat with his arms crossed shaking his head.

"She didn't even give him time to move. Geez," he said.

As the recovery bots took Shinso away, the other matches continued. Izuku couldn't help but take notes on everyone's quirks. The one he focused more on was Todoroki. He knew he used fire during the calvary battle but he's mostly using ice. 

"He's still not using his fire. I guess he didn't follow my advice" Izuku said with his arms crossed.

Izuku was able to escape the room he was in with Ochaco thanks to his ninja senses. 

"Those guys really thought they could sneak up on us ninjas?" he said mentally as he walked back to his seat through the hallway only to bump into Todoroki.

"Great. This one time my ninja senses don't work" Izuku said as he faced palmed himself.

"Who are you?" Todoroki asked

"Sorry, I got lost looking for the bathroom," he said scratching the back of his head.

Todoroki simply didn't say anything but just walk past him. Izuku then remembered something.

"Hey, during the race I saw you use your right side to make Ice to skate to the finish but in calvary battle, I saw you use your left side to make fire. I have to say, you have a very interesting quirk" said Izuku.

"Thanks, I guess," said Todoroki as he played less attention to him.

"At least that's what I thought until I saw you wasting such a precious gift," Izuku said with his back facing him.

Todoroki stopped, walked up to him, and grabbed him by the collar.

"Don't ever call my power a gift. The Ice sure, but the fire is a god damn curse" Todoroki said with a threatening face.

Izuku simply placed his hand on his arm.

"Let go of me please," Izuku said as calmly as he can even though he could have flipped him onto his back.

Once Todoroki let him go, he began to explain how he hates his father's powers and that he would win by only using his ice. That left Izuku in shock and disbelief because he was just like him and that he was being downright being ridiculous. Before Todorki left, Izuku decided to speak up.

"You know what I think? I think that's bullshit" Izuku said with a bit of anger in his voice.

Todoroki stopped at looked at him with a stunned face.

"You have a power that any hero would want. A power that can save multiple lives and you say your only gonna use 50% of it because of the hate you feel for your father? Will that be your excuse if you fail to save someone when your fire was needed?" Izuku said before walking off.

As Todoroki went through the tunnel, Izuku could see Ochaco coming out of the tunnel with full determination in her eyes. On the other side, he could see Bakugo walking in looking very angry.

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