Chapter 86: In Your Eyes

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She smiled up at him.  "Let's people watch a little.  I think I might need a cup or three of this stuff before I feel loosened up enough to do whatever it is that's happening on that dance floor," the girl replied, taking his hand and glancing once again over the squirming people pile.  Kei chuckled and led her over to the far corner he'd spotted, content to just spend a little time with his pretty girl. 

They pulled two chairs at the empty table close together, allowing Kei to almost wrap himself around the girl's back as the pair of them watched the dance floor.  The tall blonde had gotten them each a second cup of punch, as well as a cup of water, and now the pair just laughed together, observing the dance floor and commenting on the dancers to one another.  Amalie and Kuroo appeared from time to time, and based on the moves they were doing, Kei was pretty sure both teens were enjoying themselves thoroughly.  Maybe a little too thoroughly, as the boy was not quite able to identify exactly where each of Amalie's hands were located despite the nearness of the couple, though based on Kuroo's face she wasn't doing anything too over the top.  Just enough to keep a totally shit-eating grin on his bro's face.  The boys' eyes suddenly met, and Kei raised his cup to his senpai, making the bedhead laugh.

A little while later, Kei was finishing his second cup of punch, which seemed rather stronger than the first one he'd had.  He was actually kind of grateful for that fact, as the gentle, relaxing buzz from the sake was making being in the intense club atmosphere of the room easier.  If we'd stayed fully sober, I'd be about done with all this noise, Kei thought, but right now, all I really want to do is dance with my stunning warrior queen.  He stood, eyes shining as he held his hand out to Nakano, who was tossing down the last of her own punch.  "Come on, Roses, I want to dance with you," he said.

Nakano smiled at him, taking his hand and letting him pull her close.  "That sounds like a fabulous idea," she replied, joining him on the dance floor as the pair began to move together to the pulsing rhythm of the music.  Kei held her tight, his hands on her hips most of the time, but occasionally moving to twirl her around or hold her extra close to his body.  It felt good, like it had that night at the party at Kuroo's, to be a little bit buzzed and a little bit turned on by dancing so close and tight with his alluring girlfriend.  He kept them on the edge of the dance floor - Kei had no desire to push his way into the throng of people - and honestly, he knew that there was no way they could do that without being groped by other dancers.  Now that they were actually up close to it, he could see that the center of the dance floor was like one giant mob, everyone in it moving against one another.  He wanted his to be the only hands that touched Nakano, and Kei wanted no one else's touch except hers.  He made only one exception - for his Kuroo-bro as he danced by with Amalie as the two made their way off the floor, red-faced and breathing a little heavily.  Kuroo offered him a high five as he went by, which Kei completed, grinning at the dark-haired captain as he moved past.

Kuroo chuckled, seeing the bright shine in Kei's eyes.  He's had a couple cups of that punch in short order, the boy thought.  I wonder how bad it is.  I wouldn't mind a little something to take the edge off right now, but I really hate cheap sake.  He grinned as Amalie handed him a cup full of the sweet beverage.  Well, why not, Kuroo decided, taking a sip.  He let the liquid slide over his tongue, tasting carefully.  It wasn't the worst sake available, by any means, but it wasn't one he'd want to drink straight.  Still, in a sweet fruit punch it managed to add a pleasant bite, and while not exactly his drink of choice, it was what was available and it would do the trick for the moment.  He chuckled to himself, wondering what Kei's assessment of the drink had been.  He looked up to ask Amalie what she thought of the stuff, only to see her pour the dregs of her drink into her mouth and immediately move to fill her cup again.

"Woah," he said, putting his hand over hers as she reached for the ladle, "why don't you have a little water first," he said.

Amalie laughed, filling her cup again anyway.  "Worried about me, Kuroo?  It's not like this stuff is super strong."

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang