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Chapter 124: Broken mirror 12-year-old Xu Chengyan

The ambiguous atmosphere disappeared, and Xu Chengyan was stunned.

He Yang escaped.

Xu Chengyan woke up instantly, still a little embarrassed.

It was as cold as if cold water had been poured over him.

Xu Chengyan let go of his hand, and his palm slipped from the man's arm unconsciously, bowing his head in silence.

Fortunately, the lights are not turned on in the room now, and the darkness hides everything, at least it won't be too embarrassing.

He Yang was still beside the bed, but he stepped back a little and pulled the quilt up, his voice hoarse: \"Rest early.\"

He Yang's tone was still the same as before, and the expression on his face did not change, as if nothing had happened just now.

\"Yeah.\" Xu Chengyan obediently lay back on the bed.

The two of them didn't speak again, and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

He Yang quietly accompanied him for a while, then got up and turned to leave the room.

However, when He Yang left, Xu Chengyan, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and showed no sleepiness at all.

The next morning.

Xu Chengyan came out of the bedroom and went to the restaurant downstairs to find something to eat.

And when he passed by the study, he saw that the door of the study was open.

Xu Chengyan stopped and looked into the study.

In the room, the man was leaning on the sofa alone, holding a wooden sign in his hand.

He Yang stared at the wooden sign in his hand and stroked it over and over again.

Xu Chengyan's gaze fell on the wooden sign, and he saw the man stroking the wooden sign cautiously, as if he was treating some important treasure.

But that wooden sign was just brought back when he prayed for blessings in the temple four years ago.

four years ago……

For a moment, Xu Chengyan suddenly seemed to understand something.

Whether it's the wooden sign he left four years ago, or the bedroom layout in the old house that hasn't been changed for four years—

Everything is the \"Xu Chengyan\" four years ago.

The "Xu Chengyan" who followed Mr. from eighteen to twenty-three years old.

Xu Chengyan retracted his gaze, walked past the study, and walked towards the stairs.

On the first floor, Xu Chengyan went to the nanny aunt and asked her to make Xiao Wen's bibimbap.

The bibimbap was soon ready, Xu Chengyan came to the restaurant with a bowl, and sat at the table to eat alone.

And when Xu Chengyan was halfway through his meal, he heard movement from the stairway, and it was He Yang who came down.

He Yang also saw the figure in the restaurant and walked towards the restaurant.

He Yang reached out to the youth, put one hand on the back of the chair, leaned down, and asked softly: \"Why are you up so late?\"

Xu Chengyan glanced at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and replied: \"It's okay.\"

When he woke up, it was already past ten o'clock, and if he stayed in bed for a while, it was eleven o'clock.

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