Chapter 28

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You both peeked your heads out of the safe room and were floored to see the once enraged doctor sobbing as he was being drug down the hallway. There were protocols that made it impossible for an Alpha that had shown high levels of aggression to enter into an elevator. This meant that he would either have to walk up and down stairs just to get what he needed and would be forced to calm down or he'd have to be sedated for the day. By the looks of things, Stephen was being carried towards one of the smaller nursing stations which meant he was either being held for observation or about to be knocked out.

"Come on." You say as you quickly squirm through the barely cracked door and take off running down the hall. "Oh my God, (Y/N)! WAIT!" Wanda hisses but you're too far ahead for her to actually stop you now so she simply takes off after you. By the time she catches up, you're standing beside the nursing station door and you put your finger to your lips to tell her to be quiet then quickly tap your ear to signal to listen. She rolls her eyes and goes to grab you but she freezes when she hears people talking in hushed voices.

"Please, just give me the shot to end this. She's already broken the bond." Stephen's voice says with so much anguish that it causes tears to form in both yours and Wanda's eyes. "Come on, man. Don't do this! Just give (Y/N) some more time I'm sure she'll come around." A voice you don't quite place at first says. "Sam, this is his decision not ours. But I know you mean well." Steve's voice says in response to the second person and you realize that it was Sam and Steve that had carried Stephen's limp form up here. But it occurred to you that this was a very specific floor. No other floor that you knew of had a safe room due to the floors getting progressively smaller as they went up. Also Tony had engineered the building so that if it ever were to fall, the upper floors wouldn't cave inwards. They would basically peel off the tower which would expose the main floors from the ground up to the twentieth floor meaning that emergency services would be able to quickly and easily get to anyone that was trapped.

Your eyes narrowed and your blood began to boil as you realize that they'd planned for all of this. Stephen losing his temper, you thinking that you could stay safely hidden until he calmed down, every eventuality was planned for right down to the microsecond. And you'd be willing to bet that if you stormed off now that Wanda would alert the others and they'd come racing after you. So instead of doing that, you did something that you were quite sure that no one had seen coming. You stood up from your crouched position beside the door causing Wanda to gasp and try and use your sleeve to try and pull you back down but you simply flicked your wrist and sent a tiny pinprick of pain through her hand causing her to yelp and let go.

As soon as you felt her let go, you turned and stormed into the room where the men were at and marched straight up to Stephen who was lying on the bed no tears to be seen on his face though he'd just been heard sobbing moments before. "Are you ready to talk now?" Steve asks as he looks around and sees you. "No the bloody hell I'm not." You growl. "I want off the team effective immediately. I'm tired of these games. I'm tired of you people not listening to the simplest of my demands. I'm tired of this asshole chasing me around as if I'm some sort of bloody chew toy that he can have his way with whenever he so chooses then throw me aside! I hereby break the bond that connects us forevermore, Stephen Strange. And I hereby quit the Avengers Initiative." You realized that you were crying by the time you finished and you angrily swiped the tears off your cheeks and turned and walked out of the room.

"Well, so much for yall's plan." You hear Sam say smugly and it takes everything you have in you not to turn around and march back in there and punch every single one of them in the face until you can't feel your hands anymore. "(Y/N), please. You don't want to do this! We only did this because it's your destiny to be together!" Wanda says as she hurries to catch up to you only for you to stop dead in front of her causing her to almost walk into you. "It's. Our. WHAT?" You hiss as you turn and face the woman you thought you could trust. "I-It's your destiny." She repeats, stuttering slightly at the look of rage in your eyes.

"No, it's not fucking destiny. There's no such thing as fucking destiny or fate or the stars aligning or any of that romantic bullshit that Hallmark sells to us! My life, no, OMEGA'S LIVES are OURS to control! If we don't want a fucking Alpha that will lord over us and abuse us day in and out then why the fuck is it that society says we're wrong for that? Stephen. Fucking. LEFT ME!" You scream finally at your wit's end because they just keep trying to force the two of you together and you don't want any of it anymore. "HE FUCKING LEFT ME THREE DAYS AFTER I RETURNED FROM BEING TORTURED DAMN NEAR OUT OF MY MIND! AND TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY HE LEFT ME FOR THE SAME BITCH THAT DID THE TORTURING! AND NO I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT FUCKING EXCUSES HE HAS! SO YOU, STEPHEN, AND THE REST OF THE FUCKING AVENGERS CAN GO STAR SPANGLED FUCK YOURSELVES! GOOD DAY MADAM!"

You really didn't care who had heard your tirade. In fact, you wished that everyone in the building heard it that way maybe some other gullible omega like you once were will wise up and not fall for the same bullshit stories you had about fate tying omegas to their Alpha. You'd been a one night stand, a fling, a booty call and nothing more. And what made it all worse was that your hormones were trying to tell you that you actually needed him. You pushed the traitorous feelings back down where the belonged in the darkest part of your soul as you pushed passed people who were either stopped in the middle of the hall staring at you as though you'd mutated suddenly or were whispering to each other or texting. You knew what you'd done was extremely unheard of but now that you'd said the words you were technically off limits for all Alphas. You'd rejected your mate and as long as he was alive there was still a chance that could change and so no Alpha in his right mind would dare overstep his boundaries.

You'd just made it to the ground floor when a black and silver blur came flying towards you and you instinctively ducked and rolled and tore off towards the front doors as soon as you were on your feet. A low growl behind you told you that Steve had sent his pet assassin and now your former best friend, Bucky, after you. You managed to get back outside which meant that there were civilians that you both needed to think about and you quickly took advantage of that and streaked straight towards what you had called Church Row for as long as you could remember. As soon as you got there you ducked inside one of the older abandoned churches and made it into what was once the vicar's private chambers before quickly and quietly shutting and locking the door behind you. There, in the solitude of the lightless room you finally could hold your emotions back no longer and slid down to sit in front of the door as you silently sobbed until you finally curled up on the floor and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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