Chapter 17

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Tina gulps and immediately begins to stutter trying to find any excuse she can to save her ass from the shit storm she knows she just got herself into. "Repeat what you just said...NOW!" You growl as you grab a handful of her hair causing her to whimper in pain and fear before you begin to slowly pop the stitches that's got her mouth sewn shut. 

"I...I didn't..." She began as soon as her mouth is free but you'd had enough. One long agonizing year that had made you question your sanity and loyalty to the Avengers played in your mind as you drug Tina by the hair up to the rooftop with the Avengers scrambling to catch up.

Before they can even reach the same hallway you're in, you use your magic to lock every door between yourself and the Avengers and put a spell that won't allow portals to be opened within a thousand feet of the rooftop. Tina feels the spell settle around the two of you and begins to struggle but you quickly yank her up until she's just barely touching the floor with her tiptoes. "Keep going and I'll make sure to place a spell on you that makes what I do to you last a thousand centuries while you're locked away in my very own little pocket dimension." You hiss as she gasps for air.

After several minutes you make it to the rooftop only to find Tony in one of his suits waiting for you there. "(Y/N), don't do this! She-" Tony begins only for you to use your magic to send him hurtling three blocks away. "Please, (Y/N)! Please I...I'll make it up to you, I swear!" Tina sobs as you drag her to the edge of the roof.

"And how will you do that? Another spell or four? No. You're going to talk to Kaecilius, if the bastard is still alive which I'm betting he is, and you and he are going to go back in time and undo every single thing that you fucked up with me right by your sides because I don't trust you not to fuck around and 'get lost' in time. It's either that or I bind your magic permanently unlike what Loki just did and leave you in the lobby of NATO." You growl with every ounce of rage you have felt for the past year in your voice.

Tina is sobbing fearfully by this time as you look down at her with contempt and disgust. "Why did you try and split us apart? Don't you know the laws of Alphas and their mates? Once an Alpha finds his omega they cannot be split apart for any reason. Otherwise, the Alpha starts to become sick and the omega will slowly go insane!" You say not realizing what you were really saying.

"We were t-together for a f-few years before you came along." She whimpers as she looks up at you. "We had a very unprofessional relationship that didn't just cross the line of unhealthy. It picked the line up and broke it into a thousand pieces. But I couldn't help it. He was so sweet and attentive and he always made me feel like I was special."

You look down at her as your heart twists. Here was a woman that was in her mid twenties that looked as if she'd been through hell on a VIP tour. "But he's mine. And trust me I know how badly it hurts when you go through one Alpha after another and all they do is use you for their rut then toss you to the side once they're done. But what you've done, I can forgive you for. The Wulfan Council may not though."

At the mention of the Wulfan Council, the governing body that passes and enforces laws in regards to those with Wolfblood in them, her eyes go wide and she turns a pale greenish color. "Y-Y-You can't!" She gasps as she finally breaks free and staggers backwards. "They'll kill me for what I've done!"

Strange's Heartacheजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें