Chapter 2

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Stephen paced almost all night before finally falling asleep in his chair as he was reading to try and take his mind off of training you. Unfortunately for him, 6 am came far too early and he was roughly shaken awake by Wong who was grinning from ear to ear as he said, "Your student is waiting for you in the training room." Stephen groans as he stands up and jogs to the bathroom for a quick shower. As he's in there he debates on whether or not he should give himself a bit of a break by jerking off before he goes to train you but then decides against it and finishes his shower quickly. "I brought you an actual breakfast." Wong says as he sets a plate down in front of him that contains bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage and toast and says, "You finish what's on your plate or I bring her in here."

Stephen glares at Wong who simply smiles at him and begins eating. Thirty minutes after he was supposed to start training you, Dr. Strange walks into the training room where you're at...on the floor doing your stretches. He stops dead in his tracks and has to take several deep breaths in order not to embarrass himself before he walks forward and says, "Stand up, (Y/N). Your training starts now." You leap to your feet and he's immediately reminded of a cat and he swallows and breaths as normally as he can as he pitches you a sling ring and begins teaching you how to open a portal. "I can't do it!" You whine as you huff and fall to the ground with your arms crossed over your chest three hours later. "Yes, you can now get back up." He says wanting nothing more than to grab you and throw you across his knee and spank the brattiness out of you. But he doesn't he simply settles for levitating just a bit higher in the air so you won't be able to see how much he aches for you.

Hours go by and he finally ends up resorting to what the Ancient One did to him by opening a portal to the coldest, most desolate place and shoving you through before saying, "You have an hour before hypothermia sets in. I suggest you learn to open a portal before then." He says before closing the portal in the middle of you starting to panic. As he began the timer on his phone, he also began to pace in a circle. He had to have faith that you could do this on your own just like he did when it was done to him. The longer the minutes dragged on the more he had to tell himself that you had to learn this on your own and that he couldn't save you this time. At the thirty-minute mark he began to pace faster as he tents his fingers together to try and stop them from shaking any worse than they already are. He keeps pacing and refuses to look at his phone even though every nerve, every particle of his being is screaming at him to do so. After what feels like an eternity, he looks down at his phone and feels icy terror rip through his veins as it shows him five minutes are left. He's just about to call Wong to tell him that you need more practice before you can be trained as intensely as the other sanctuaries want him to train you when he hears the sound he's been so desperate to hear.

"Th-That w-was a b-bitch m-m-move S-Strange." You stutter as you stagger out of the portal and collapse unconscious at his feet. The portal closes behind you just as the timer on his phone goes off and he quickly shuts it off then picks you up and carries you back to your room. As soon as you're in his arms his brain immediately fogs with visions of you in his arms sleeping peacefully with a smile on your face after he's fucked you senseless for an entire twenty-four hours and a low growl escapes his throat as he tries to think of what he needs to do to keep you warm and then it hits him. The fastest way to warm someone up is body to body contact. A whimper escapes his lips as he wishes more than anything in this world that he would've jerked off in the shower this morning.

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