Chapter 3

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Wong watches as Stephen paces back and forth for several moments before saying, "The reason I called you all to this Sanctum is because the girl is not ready. She almost died because of what I put her through, and I'll not have her death on my hands." Sol Rama snorts and then says, "You mean you've developed feelings for the woman and wish not to expose her to our ways. Well, it's far too late for that. We have all been given a vision, as have you I suspect, and we must obey or risk terrible retribution." Stephen glares at the man who simply shrugs then leans back with his fingers tented over his chest.

"And what about you, Minoru? Do you share the same sentiments of Master Rama? That I should throw a young woman into all of this and hope like hell she doesn't get ripped apart physically or worse mentally?" Stephen growls as he looks over at the Master of the Hong Kong Sanctum. "I do. Stephen, you know the rules and you've seen the same thing we have! Dormammu is planning another attack and will raise a cult in his name this time! If we don't train her in time, then he will have her kidnapped and he will use her as a pawn against us...against you Stephen. Now ask yourself this, would you rather take on the task of training her now or the task of defeating her in battle as your enemy? We know that you harbor feelings for her, but you must put them aside at least for now until she is properly trained. Otherwise, all is lost."

Stephen begins pacing again but is stopped by Wong who says, "She doesn't even know that you have feelings for her. Once this is all over with, imagine you and her taking a nice vacation somewhere and you tell her." What they didn't know inside their secret meeting chamber is that you now did know about his feelings for you and ran to the library where you slammed the door and began to pace as well. Stephen Strange, THE Doctor Strange himself harbors romantic feelings for you. As you pace you don't realize the portal opening behind you. Nor do you hear the person come up behind you until it's too late and they hit you over the head with something hard and drag you back through the portal.

Wong notices something is wrong first and goes still and quiet as Stephen growls, "And how am I supposed to get her ready in such a short amount of time huh? She barely knows the basics!" Sol Rama sighs and sits forward again and then says, "Stephen, it will be perfectly fine. You just must have a little...we must seal this Sanctum from the inside out. Someone has just taken something that didn't belong to them." As he says this, he begins to check the wards in the room they're in. As everyone scatters to different rooms, Stephen bolts straight for yours and lets out a strangled cry as he finds it empty. "No, no, no, no, no!" He whimpers as he sprints to the only other place, he knows you could be the library. As soon as he walks in, he knows that it was you that was taken and lets out a rage and fear-filled scream as he looks down at the book that had been dropped.

"Stephen what's wrong?!" Sol Rama asks as he bolts into the library. "They t-took...they t-took..." He manages before hitting his knees and begins to rock back and forth. "They've taken his protégé, (Y/N)," Wong says as even he turns pale at the implications this brings. "You mean the one that we were just speaking about?!" Minoru gasps then put a hand over her mouth when Wong nods. "Stephen, we need to form a plan to get her back." Sol Rama says as he walks over and lays a hand on Stephen's shoulder. "I know exactly what to do," Stephen says as he staggers to his feet then uses the Eye of Agamotto to reverse time to see exactly who it was that had taken you and lets out a feral growl as he sees a group of people with their skin splitting apart and darkness seeping through, grab you from behind and place a dark bag over your head then drag you kicking and screaming through a portal. "Oh my God, is that..." Minoru whispers. "The Cult of Dormammu has risen again," Stephen says as he turns and walks out of the room hellbent on saving you

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