Chapter 20

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Stephen had no sooner gotten you both back to the Sanctuary than all hell broke loose. Angry screams, shouts, and the sounds of the barriers around the building rippling as things bounced off of it.

"What in the hell is that?!" Stephen whispers as he goes to look out the door but the Cloak drags him backwards as the barrier fails and the angry mob comes barrelling towards the front door.

"Get to the basement! NOW!" Stephen yells as he quickly begins casting heavy protection and reflection spells around the entire building. You stand rooted to the spot until you feel something wrap around you, lift you off your feet, then fly you towards the basement. "NO! LET ME GO!" You scream as you fight the cloak. It lifts one of its corners and pushes open the door to the basement then swiftly unwraps and drops you quite rudely down the stairs.

You land with a grunt then once you make sure that no bones were broken you stand up and look around but it's no use. The basement is completely dark but you quickly find the light switch and you feel your heart shatter and blinding, hot tears well up in your eyes momentarily blinding you.

On every wall there are pictures of you and him together. Some are more professional like when the Avengers had you take your pictures for their database but others are more lighthearted like those that Wong took when you got him a professional camera for his birthday because he'd told you that he'd always wanted to take pictures of some of the places that his travels and work took him. There were pictures of you and Stephen dancing together, you cooking and dancing in the kitchen, you and Stephen outside at night looking up at the stars, and even a few of you two dancing in the rain.

"Holy shit!" You gasp as the pain in your lower abdomen hits you twice as bad as it had before and you sink to your knees sobbing in pain and biting your hand to keep from screaming. It was almost to the point where you thought you were going to pass out but then you felt yourself beginning to change and shift. Almost as if you were losing control of your sanity and very quickly you scurried over to the small bed that you saw in the corner and tried to make yourself as comfortable as you could but there was no use. You'd gone feral and there was no way that you could stop it by yourself. 

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