Chapter 4

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"Stephen, please you must use your head! You can't simply go rushing out there and expect they won't kill her or worse!" Minoru cries as she sprints after Stephen who's fists are clenched so tightly that his knuckles are pure white. "I'm sorry what was that?" He growls as he rounds on the short woman who staggers to a halt, so she doesn't collide with him. "You really think that I'm going to sit here and let them torture or do God only knows what else to the woman that I recently begged you assholes to let me go easy on because I knew that the regiment you wanted her on was far too grueling for her at this stage? You want me to simply trust that you have her best interests at heart? No. Screw you and every single one of these Sanctuaries if that's what you think. I'll give back the Cloak of Levitation and you can find some other gullible fool to take advantage of. I've already lost something I loved dearly once and I'm not going to go through that again!" Stephen snarls at her then turns and storms out of the building.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Minoru says sadly as she watches him leave. "We let him go or we lose him altogether," Wong says softly as he walks up beside her. She turns and looks at him incredulously and says, "You can't actually be serious?! I told you since the beginning that he was getting far too comfortable with that woman than he should be and now you're telling me to just let him walk out of here with no weapons except the magic he possesses within him to fight only the spirits know how many cultists that are holding that spoiled (Y/R) bitch hostage?! No Wong, I'm sorry but I'm ending this here and now. If I have to use the Dark dimension to stop this then I will!" Minoru turns to run after Stephen, but Wong stops her by grabbing a hold of her shirt and pulling her back and yells, "Don't you understand, Minoru?! He loves her now! It's over! I know that it's hard for you to understand but it's over! He's moved on and so should you!"

Minoru's eyes fill with tears as she slaps Wong twice as hard as she can then hisses,

"You think that this is what this is about? The fact that he and I spent countless hours in the most beautiful places on this planet having the hottest types of sex? The fact that he used me for his carnal pleasures and then dumped me back in Hong Kong when that whore came around and forgot I ever existed? I wonder where you could have gotten those ideas from!" Wong glares as her but doesn't let go of her and hisses right back, "You knew that he was in a dark place when you agreed to be what you were for him. You knew that it was going to end and yet for some twisted reason you thought that he was going to remain as he was and continue using you for sex. Or was it something more than that? Were you hoping he'd fall in love with you?"

Minoru reaches her hand back as far as she can but Wong is too quick this time and opens a portal beneath her feet that leads from where they're standing to her guest room over her bed and she screams as she falls through it and it closes immediately and Wong whispers a chant that makes it impossible for anyone but him to get her out of the room. "What in the hell was all that about?!" Sol Rama asks as he rounds the corner. "Apparently, Minoru is just a little upset that Stephen is now having romantic feelings towards (Y/N)." Wong sighs as he rubs his cheek that's bright red from where she'd slapped him. "Yea? Well, this situation has gotten a whole lot worse. I found this in Stephen's quarters." Sol Rama says as he holds up a pill bottle and Wong frowns. "What...?" Wong asks slowly but then it dawns on him what it is. "Are those suppressants?!" Wong bellows as he grabs the bottle. "Yes. And by the looks of it, Stephen ran out about three weeks ago. God help that girl if he catches her scent because she'll throw him into a rut the likes of which we've never seen." Wong looks up at him not sure if he can take any more blows at this point. "What do you mean?" Wong asks warily. "Wong, our dear friend has been on those for almost ten years." Sol Rama says in a deathly quiet voice.

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