Chapter 27

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Panic started to rapidly constrict your airway until you felt like you couldn't breath and you squeezed your eyes shut and took slow, deep breaths until you could feel the tightness in your chest begin to loosen up. "Is that Alpha looking for you?" A feminine voice spoke quite close to your right ear causing you to jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She added in a voice that didn't really give you the feeling that she was sorry at all.

"No. He isn't looking for me. I just have PTSD from my dad and brother who were both Alphas. When their ruts hit our house would turn into a war zone so I try to avoid Alphas at all costs." You lie boldly to the woman. You hold your breath and pray that she buys the lie and you're stunned when she does without so much as thinking twice about it. "That's completely understandable, hun." She says in a much nicer tone of voice. You nod as she hooks a piece of her waist length platinum blonde hair behind her ear. "There's a back way out of here. Just go through those double doors and to the right. It's the hallway for deliveries. It leads to the alleyway to the north of here and you'll be able to get home safely." She says with a small smile and you smile back and quickly thank her before walking towards the double doors.

You didn't notice that the smile quickly dropped as she waited for you to go through the doors but you were already scowling by the time you got to them. As soon as you pushed your way through you knew the bitch had lied because there were workers unloading boxes and stacking them up down the left hallway not the right. You waited until the doors swung closed behind you then ducked down and sprinted as quietly as you could for the open garage door. You carefully weaved your way through the towers of boxes and you were almost to the dock when you heard a scream and the sound of shattering glass from the room you'd just came from and you threw caution to the wind and bolted onto the dock.

You sprinted across the dark wood bridge to the other side and jumped up onto the road on the other side. You'd barely gotten turned down another extremely busy street when you heard Stephen's roar of rage from the docks behind you. You'd already figured out that the blonde bitch had sold you out as soon as she began talking to you. You never thought she'd actually try to have him attack you though so you guessed that she was somewhat familiar with him.

You quickly sprinted down the street as far as you could then stopped to take in your surroundings. A bank was to your right, several food shops lined the street to your left, and dead ahead by three blocks...was none other than the Avengers Tower. In your haste to get away from Stephen you figured you must have gotten turned around because the last thing you wanted was to be back at the Tower but you decided to fuck Plan A and get back to the Tower as fast as you could. You were sprinting just as hard and fast as you could and you were almost to the steps leading up to the Tower's ground floor but a loud crash from behind you sent people screaming and you ducked into the doorway of a shop in order to hide and see what was going on. "DON'T FUCKING HIDE FROM ME!" Stephen bellows his eyes now a neon orange as they dart this way and that trying to find you. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FUCKING DO THIS TO ME OMEGA! YOU'RE MINE AND I PLAN ON MAKING SURE EVERYONE FUCKING KNOWS! SO COME ON OUT AND TAKE MY KNOT AND GET IT OVER WITH!" He roars as he sends cars flying due to his rage.

He was almost even with you now and you could see the street was almost empty. You'd heard many locks engage as store owners locked themselves and their patrons inside. But that meant that you were effectively locked out and had to face the dreaded monster on your own. No one would help you now, you thought to yourself as tears formed in your eyes and the panic you thought you'd had under control threatened to overwhelm you with its tenfold return. You waited and watched and he slowly crept up the street and then it hit you. You could use your magic to trick him into going where you wanted instead of chasing you.

You nearly sobbed at this revelation as you quickly took your sling ring off the necklace you wore at all times as a precaution for scenarios like this and quickly slid it on and concentrated on a spot down the block and raised your hands and began making a circle with your right hand. Golden sparks immediately formed into a sigil and Stephen's head snapped in that direction and a low growl came from his lips as he began sprinting towards the sigil and you whispered the words that would cause it to linger for just a few more minutes and ducked from your hiding place and quietly darted up the street. You were almost there when you heard the fizzling of the magic stop and Stephen's scream of rage.

You threw caution to the wind once more and took off sprinting for the doors of the tower as Stephen starts running for you. "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE (Y/N)!" He yells as he gains on you. You were 600 yards away now and you could hear that Avengers Tower was in an uproar as well trying to prepare for yours and Stephen's imminent arrival. Six more steps and you were at the top of the stairs leading from the sidewalk to the gorgeous industrial entryway. "(Y/N)!" A voice screams and you quickly look around and realize Wanda is beckoning you inside the Tower with the door held open. With no hesitation, you sprint through the door and she quickly slams it shut just as Stephen gets to the top of the stairs.

"Get her upstairs in the safe room. Me, Cap, Bucky, and Tony will take care of Strange." Rhodey says as he sprints by the two of you already in the War Machine. Wanda nods and grabs you by the arm then takes off flying up the stairs as sounds of fighting and snarling begin from below you. As soon as she gets you to the fifth floor she lands and you both sprint inside the safe room which takes up the majority of the floor and you slam the door and lock it behind you. As soon as you hear the lock click, the tears you'd been holding back for hours finally burst free and you sink to your knees as terrified sobs wrack your entire body.

"Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay." Wanda says as she sits beside you and wraps her arms around you. "No, it isn't!" You wail as your tears drench the shoulder of her shirt. "They're going to try and force us back together and I don't want him anymore! I don't want this bond! I reject it!" You sob and suddenly the noise from outside goes from almost unbearable as the Iron Man repulsors and the War Machines lasers can be heard firing to dead silence. "Well from the sounds of it, you may have gotten what you asked for." Wanda says as you and her both glance at the window then at each other.

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