Chapter 23

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"Okay so I hate to be the one to ask it again...but what's our next move? Because in no way shape or form am I going near her when she's like...that." Tony says as he tries and fails spectacularly to explain the emotions that you had currently just displayed before slumping over for all intents and purposes dead to the world. "Well, first we need to get her out of here." Thor says as he rolls his eyes and walks over and very gently, almost as if you were a newborn, picks you up...and then slings you over his shoulder as if you're a sack of potatoes and stomps up the stairs with you. "Okay, so when this part of the story comes up, please remind me to tell it in front of Sam because I so need to see his reaction to this." Steve says as Tony and Bucky both crack up laughing and Vision floats up the stairs behind Thor listing all the reason why that wasn't a good idea and all the numerous ways that you can and will make him pay for what he just did.

"Yes, well, I'm very sure that our dear friend here would be more upset if she knew that the good doctor had carried her up the stairs like some damsel in distress and there were witnesses as well." Thor says as he walks through the portal that Strange had opened to Avengers Tower and quite unceremoniously dropped you on the nearest couch then went looking for Pop-Tarts as Loki followed him bellowing, "YOU CANNOT JUST DROP MORTALS LIKE THAT THOR! THEY ARE EXTREMELY FRAGILE!" Thor was heard responding, "Fragile? Never heard of him. Is he good in battle?" Steve immediately inhaled half the bottle of water he was sipping on as he heard this which caused a chain reaction of fuckery to occur which was not limited to Sam and Bucky walking in and looking at everyone as if they were insane then Bucky asking who made the boner, Tony almost going into a coronary because he thought Bucky meant something quite different, Natasha and Clint walking in from the training room then turning right back around and leaving the same way they came in because if Tony and Steve were both laughing that hard then whatever had happened could not be good, Wanda floated down from the balcony and was informed by Vision that apparently Bucky had made a sex joke which caused the whole thing to start over again, and Peter Parker stuck his head in from the kitchen and looked Bucky straight in the eyes and said, "Giggity."

After thirty solid minutes of non-stop hilarity and the ten minutes it took to calm down from it, Stephen finally managed to text Doctor Cho and ask her for permission to use her Cradle and facilities in the Avengers Tower and gave her a brief run down on what had happened. Her response was a very quick yes and that she would be there shortly to help him in any way that he needed. "Tony, if you would be so obliged to help me get set up in Doctor Cho's medical room, I would greatly appreciate it." Stephen says as he uses his magic to very carefully levitate you off the couch and in front of him. "Can do, doc. Hey, after you're done patching your bae up, think you can take a look at my lungs? Pretty sure I have liquid in at least one of them." Tony says as he leads the way from the room.

Before they get too far from the living quarters for anyone to hear, Peter can be heard saying, "Seriously though, why did Barnes have to bring up boners at a time like this? I mean, I know that he and Steve both have literal blue balls from being frozen for like three quarters of a century but still." Tony immediately began laughing hysterically and it took another fifteen minutes for him to calm down before they could get you into Dr. Cho's lab and into the Cradle. "Ask your mama spider, kid. I'm sure she'd be VERY eager to explain all of this to you." Sam says as Bucky bends double howling with tears streaming down his face at the thought of the five foot nothing Russian assassin having to explain the birds and bees to the purest of all Avengers.

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