Chapter 18

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"That's not up to me." You say softly as you use your magic to bind her hands behind her back and redo the sutures keeping her mouth closed. "Awww I wanted to keep her mouth free!" Loki whines causing you to glare over at him and him to cross his arms and pout. Tony finally makes his way back to the tower as you come dragging her out the front doors. "Okayyyy. So apparently I missed some stuff." He says slowly as he registers that she's alive.

"She's taking me to the Wulfan council! She's going to have me confess what I did in front of them! Please Tony you have to help me! They'll kill me!" She wails as she gets loose from you and manages to rip the sutures open causing blood to pour down her chin and throws herself at Tony who scrambles away from her as the rest of the Avengers come out to see what else is going on. "Please! You have to save me!" Tina sobs on her knees as she looks from Tony to the rest of the Avengers. "How about no?" Stephen growls as he pushes through to where she's kneeling. "Do you truly not see what you've done wrong? Or do you just not care? Because I can guarantee you that if you don't go to them-"

Stephen doesn't get to finish as a tall man with long, dark brown, shaggy hair walks up and grabs Tina by the throat and snarls, "We will come to you!" Tina's eyes go even wider as she realizes that she is now in the hands of the head of the Wulfan council. "Ah. Hello, (Y/N). I've been meaning to come visit. I just hate that it had to be under these circumstances." The man says as he looks at you and you smile softly. "Uh not to be rude or anything but who exactly are you?" Tony pipes up as Tina whimpers and thrashes from where the unnamed man has her held up to where she can only touch the ground with the tips of her toes.

"I am Lucian. Head of the Wulfan Council. I'm also (Y/N)'s best friend since pre-school," He says with a grin. "Please!" Tina gasps reminding everyone about the seriousness which had all brought them here. "SILENCE!" Lucian roars and she whimpers and falls silent. "Now tell me what she's done." He says as he looks at you.

"She used her magic to keep my Alpha away from me for a year." You say softly. Everyone who was near you could hear the heartache in your voice but didn't say anything as you spoke your truth. "She caused me to go almost insane and think that there was something wrong with me as an omega. Stephen threw himself into his work and damn near worked himself to death."

By the time you finished speaking, Lucian's eyes were nearly pitch black. "And how did you manage to find her?" He growls. "I come here from time to time to do work for the Avengers, to see my friends in the Young Avengers, to work out, and do my homework. I'd come today to get some of my college work done and Stephen found me and tried to have a conversation. I don't know how Tina found out but she did. She and her boss, a man only known as Kaecilius, tried to attack us. This isn't the first time she's attacked me either." You explain and that was enough for him.

His eyes snap to Tina and she begins to wail and pound her hands on his arms but he doesn't even flinch. "You...worthless, jealous, spiteful little whore! Do you even know what would have happened if you would have continued to keep them apart?!" He yells directly into her face that has silent tears streaming down both cheeks along with blood still dripping from her ruined mouth. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED THEM BOTH! OR YOU COULD HAVE DRIVEN (Y/N) SO INSANE THAT SHE WENT ON A RAMPAGE AND THE LAST FUCKING TWENTY FIVE YEARS OF WORK THAT OUR KIND HAS DONE TO HAVE HUMANS BE ABLE TO TRUST US AGAIN WOULD HAVE IMMEDIATELY GONE TO SHIT!"

Tina says nothing as Lucian, King of Alphas, drags her towards the portal that his sorcerer opened for him. "You will stand trial for this. Even though everyone here knows that you're judgement is guilty, I will still give you the fair treatment of a trial. You magic will be stripped permanently and you will remain in solitary confinement until your trial. But once your sentence is passed I will make sure that the cage you remain in will be one that the Wulfan world knows about. You will be in a cage that reminds you of what you did to them and what you could have done to the world."

Stephen had moved over to where you were standing as Lucian had ripped into Tina. "Stephen, you take care of my best friend. I'll let you both know when the trial is. But for now..." Lucian's eyes goes from Tina to the two of you then back to Tina. "I have a punishment to dole out." Tina screams anew as he begins dragging her towards the portal. She gives up all pretenses as well as she finds you in the crowd and screams, "THIS ISN'T OVER! IF I HAVE TO WAIT LIFETIMES TO FIND YOU AND GET MY REVENGE THEN SO BE IT BUT THIS ISN'T OVER!"

Stephen wraps his arms around your waist causing you to startle a bit but he calms you by placing a sweet kiss on your cheek then looks up to his unhinged ex who is now babbling about psychics telling her that Stephen and her were meant to be together and waits until they lock eyes and says loud enough for everyone to hear, "You'll never hurt (Y/N) again. Not while I'm alive." Tina's scream of rage was cut short as Lucian drug her through the portal and it sealed shut behind them. You and Stephen weren't there to hear that because he had already picked you up and opened his own portal straight into his own bedroom.

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