Chapter 21

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The cramps that you had been taking suppressants to fight against came back stronger than you hadever felt them before. It honestly felt like someone has beaten you in the stomach with a baseball bat for several days. But instead of getting better it only got worse as time went on. "You're in heat." Stephen says as his eyes start to glaze over and you very quickly back away from him until there's enough space between the two of you that neither can catch the other's scent.

"You need-" Stephen begins to say but stops when you look up at him with scarlet eyes and hiss, "What? What do I need Stephen? Your knot? Is that what you were going to suggest? Because I can promise you right here and now that I will NEVER submit to any Alpha for as long as I live! You ruined that when you took her over me! And now you think you can come crawling back and demand that I submit? Awww the poor Alpha thought he'd won me over." The dark chuckle that leaves your lips has Stephen's hair on the back of his neck standing straight up. 

Stephen immediately senses something is wrong. He can smell it. Your pheromones are all wrong and he has a horrible feeling that the suppressants that you had been taking were ones that you got off the black market and not prescribed to you. "(Y/N)..." He says calmly but you weren't having it anymore. "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" You scream as you rip a metal pipe out of the wall to your left and throw it across the room at him.

Stephen immediately opens a portal beneath his feet into his own room and as soon as he lands he closes it and quickly grabs his phone off his bedside table and texts Tony Stark and asks if he would be willing to hack into the SHIELD database and get a copy of your files to him ASAP. "You'll have them in less than an hour." Tony replies five minutes later and Stephen begins pacing much like he did when he had to abandon you on top of that snow covered mountain during training.

The phone buzzing in his hand made him jump and he quickly unlocked it then downloaded the file. He read over it three different times and each time his blood turned a little bit colder as his mind fully processed what the file said.

Mother: ■■■■■■

Father: ■■■■■■■

Both subjects are humans with no genetic mutations or imperfections to speak of. Female as of this day ■■■■■ is currently 32 years of age. Male as of this day ■■■■■ is 34 years of age. Both are supporters of Hydra and currently live in the United States as undercover agents. Female unable to reproduce by natural means and thus has been placed in the IVF Breeding Program.

Sperm taken from Sergeant James B. Barnes aka Winter Soldier.

Egg taken from Natasha A. Romanov aka Black Widow.

Follow up results located in file labelled ■■■■■■■■■.

Results as of today's date: pregnancy was a success. One live human (insert your gender here) born on (insert your birth date here). Current whereabouts are being monitored.

Stephen finally manages to pull himself out of the file and quickly dials Tony's number and prays that he will answer. "Strange?" Tony asks in a tone that says he too knows what's on the file. "I need you to get Banner and any free Avenger you and get over here now. She's having a bad reaction to some black market suppressants and-" Stephen explained but never got to finish. Because at that exact moment a bloodcurdling scream was heard from the basement before all the electricity went out in the building.

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