Chapter 16

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The entire room exploded into screams and people began scrambling in all different directions for the next ten minutes. Orders were being yelled in all directions and it was a wonder that anyone could hear a word that was being said as Stephen leaps to his feet and begins fighting Tina. "Awww don't worry kiddos! Daddy Kaecilius will be here any minute!" Tina hisses and Wong immediately leaps into action trying to rally what few people are around who are able to fight.

"Everyone get ready! This is going to be one hell of a ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!" Wong screams as Kaecilius appears behind him and stabs him through the back with an almost invisible piece of glass. He gasps and splutters in agony as his eyes roll back and he drops to the floor coughing up blood as Kaecilius steps over him.

As he soon as he does this spells are shot from different directions at him. This time, the spells are too much and he drops to his knees coughing up an inky purple almost black tar like liquid and Tina immediately looks over and sees what just happened to her Master and opens a portal and jumps through it before Stephen can grab her. But her escape was very short lived as she stepped out of the portal and went to sprint away from the fighting and ran right into a group of new students who wasted no time in grabbing her. "WE GOT HER!" Someone yells from the balcony three floors above where the main chaos is happening and suddenly a group of young Avengers is ushering Tina into the room. They're so fixated on keeping their eyes on her that friends and foes alike end up getting trampled.

"Let me GO!" Tina growls as her eyes start to glow. But just as suddenly they stop and she looks around then sees Loki holding a glass bottle about four inches tall of a substance that's not quite air and not quite liquid but definitely not a solid that keeps swirling even though he has the bottle completely still. Most of the Avengers have no idea what this is but Tina, Loki, and Dr. Strange do and Tina begins to scream, "GIVE IT BACK! GIVE ME MY MAGIC BACK YOU ANCIENT DRIED UP USELESS PRICK!"

Loki laughs and tucks it away in one of his magical pockets in his coat then leans forward and snarls, "Why don't you make me, whore? Oh that's right! Without the magic you've become addicted to, you're completely mortal. And if I so choose, you'll DIE like a worthless mortal! Now what I suggest is that you. Shut. Your. Mouth." He snaps three times and suddenly Tina's mouth is sewn shut and tears of pain well up in her eyes. "Now how's she going to answer?" Strange asks and he looks over at Loki who winks at him and says, "Don't worry she'll be able to."

Thor rushes to grab his brother but just as he does something miraculous happens. The main Avengers who'd been alerted to the possibility of another attack of an inhuman and magical nature had just walked in and seen the destruction that Tina, Loki, and Stephen were stood in the middle of, with a group of teenagers holding Tina essentially hostage as she screamed insults at the top of her lungs just as she turned and saw you. "You did all this just so she could have him back?! You don't understand what type of magic I had to use to keep him away from that stupid little slut!" Tina says in an echoing voice and the room collectively gasps then goes silent. Most people are confused but Thor, Loki, and Strange all know that the truth is being pulled from her whether she likes it or not. 

All eyes are on you as you slowly walk into the room. No one had known that you were still working as an Avenger and so they didn't think you'd know about the attacks. As soon as you're a foot in front of her you pull your favorite dagger from it's hidden sheath at the small of you back and place it against her throat before she has time to think. You didn't know she didn't have her powers anymore but you did know she was subdued for the moment and you weren't about to take any chances. "I'm sorry...WHAT?!" You growl causing her to go ghost white from fear. "Oh fuck!" Peter Parker whispers from behind Steve and Steve slings an arm around him and whispers, "I concur."

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