(182) Doing What's Right - RemyxLogan

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"REMY!" Logan eventually managed to scream through his shock, tears immediately coming through as his breathing quickened. Virgil had never run away from home before - where could he have gone? There were no notes anywhere, his phone and headphones were gone, even his school backpack! What if he did something bad?

"Breathe, babe, breathe." Remy was beside his husband immediately, grabbing his shoulders and bringing him into a hug. He could immediately tell what Logan was crying about. "I'll call the police and then your school, then we'll think about where to find him - OK?"

"Where could he be? He's done something Rem... Please don't tell me he's done something..." Logan didn't even know what he was saying anymore, he was just a mess of tears and panic and emotions he couldn't control. Remy started marching around the room, holding his tears too but checking every corner while he was on the phone to the people he needed to call.

Logan sat on his brother's bed and looked at his feet, grabbing a nearby tissue and blowing his nose. He needed to think logically, maybe he caught Virgil was missing early enough that he hadn't done anything yet... Maybe he hadn't done anything at all and just needed some time away. Wait - Logan had a phone tracker!

The teacher ran into his bedroom and got his phone. Luckily Virgil had almost lost his phone a couple of weeks before, so Logan installed an app so he could track where his brother's phone was just in case it happened again. Logan sat on the bed and opened his app.

"Orlando..." Logan whispered roughly as Remy finished his call to the police. Virgil and Logan's mother was buried in Orlando next to her husband, so it made sense Virgil travelled a couple of hours down to there. But what he was doing there was the scary part. "You carry on calling - we're taking a day trip." And with that Logan ran out the too empty bedroom, out of the house and into his car. Remy followed without question and continued to call Logan's work to give him the day off.


It was 8am, Virgil was meant to be in school, but he was two hours away from his high school. Instead he found himself in a cemetery after he had booked himself into a hotel. He had a few thousand dollars in inheritance so he'd use that on the hotel and get a job down in Orlando and from there - he'd figure out what to do from there. All he knew was he wanted to be close to his parents, and his parents decided to start their family here so Virgil was going to start his life here too - alone.

His mother's grave was decorated beautifully. White lilies were her favourite flowers and they lay everywhere around her. Virgil didn't remember his father much but he was in the ground he was sitting on too, and he had a couple of roses beside his tombstone.

This was peaceful though. There was no shouting, and even the anger and depression had died down just knowing he was with his parents again. And he'd stay by them too. No more Gainesville, just being an adult in Florida two years early.

"Virgil!" Virgil recognised that shout, it was his brother. Logan had come to get him? He thought he hid himself well, he thought they wouldn't really care since they didn't want him in the first place, but they were here. "Virgil! Thank God you're OK..." Logan's arms immediately wrapped around his brother, it was obvious he had been crying and he was shaking. He was also choking Virgil so he couldn't escape. "We need to get you home bro, please don't do that again, you really scared us."

"I'm not going back with you." Virgil eventually managed to escape his brother's grasp when he was carried to a stand. He stepped away and tried to keep his voice steady so he could show how good he was at being an adult. "I've got a hotel and I've applied for a waiter job at the Mexican restaurant mom used to love. I'll be fine staying here bro."

Logan just looked confused, blinking twice and hesitating what he wanted to say. "Virgil you can't just do that. We're legally responsible for you until you're 18."

"And you hate it."

"I don't! I want to take care of you, we're just smoothing out the cracks." Virgil just shrugged, getting his school backpack from the ground and putting it on his back. He needed to decide where he was going to get his meals from like every adult did when they first moved away from family. He wasn't going to be an annoying kid anymore.

Virgil could see that Remy was waiting by the car, watching the pair but not really doing anything. He probably just wanted to work, not drive to Orlando and back chasing a kid he didn't want. "Remy doesn't want to take care of me, does he? And you don't want me to ruin your marriage."

Logan looked back at his husband, sighed and hesitated again. "Is there anything we can do to at least get you to live with us again?" The man eventually sighed, looking confused and distressed - more distressed than Virgil had ever seen him before. He looked away from Virgil's eyes, towards the two tombstones the teen was stood between, and tears came to his eyes yet again. "You're my family now Virgil. If you hate me in two years, that's fine, I just really want to spend some more time with you."

It seemed with these new tears Remy started walking over, and between the cries Logan explained the situation. Remy looked confused but slowly nodded. "I guess... I guess you're not our kid Virgil. You'll never be. But you're Logan's brother. And I viewed this whole situation as gaining a kid I needed to raise, but maybe you need some independence - correct?"

"Yeah, I really want to just be an adult now." Virgil was still all for the idea of moving to Orlando permanently at sixteen, but his voice wasn't as sure. He knew he wanted to stay with his big brother.

"I've never been against moving to Orlando." Remy chuckled, grabbing Logan's hand and handing him a tissue from his pocket. "And I did half of high school online so I know a good place to get your diploma. I guess, if Logan's alright with it we can buy an apartment in Orlando and live as roommates rather than fathers and son."

Logan was silent, just staring at Virgil. It was up to Virgil to make the choice - Logan would do whatever Virgil wanted to do. Like a big brother should do. "Yeah, that actually sounds like a good idea. To be close to mom and dad."

Again, Virgil was attacked with a hug from his big brother and he wouldn't let go. Virgil didn't let go this time though. He hugged back - he was so proud to have an understanding brother and brother-in-law that will let him get over this grief in his own way.

Sanders Sides Parenting/Kids One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora