chapter fifty three

ابدأ من البداية

The Plutos tensed, everyone knows Castor, he shares everything in common with Ria, before Ria's creativity in torture was Castor's.

Dimitri raised his head, the pictures do not do any justice, this was Eres in a male body, he held Eres close, his face had Lorenzo's boyish smirk, the other Plutos look up and an audible gasp could be heard.

Caith knows this face too well, almost as much as Enzo, Viktor and Eres.

Castor held his baby sister so close like he was scared she will disappear, if only she knew, his heart was heavy, he could smell Mercury but decided to ignore.

He looked at Viktor, then Luc, he will so deal with Mercury.

But now he just held his little sister close, everyone was confused excluding Caith who sighed.


Enki was holding Eres as Castor looked around the throne room, he was impressed at how much she remade this room, it been 20000 years since he left this place.

Castor knows his sister's handwork, if it were Enzo this place will be fire, the piece of trash loves hell, but he loves his siblings even the new ones.

Castor is always known as the emperor of death, there is no warning with him" it do not offend me at all" that is his motto.

His was known for his creativity with plants," I will rule till you come back"

That was all that had to be said Duskers do not communicate with the living royals.


" I do not know, I feel like I know him from somewhere"

Caith shrugged while Eres turned" I saw how he looked at you, like he knows you and was never your friend"

Caith chuckled" Love, no Pluto is to like me"

Eres shook her head as he pecked her lips" you be good there"

She smiled" I should always see you before the day runs by"

Caith kissed her lips" I am going with you, till we find you a place to stay"

" I wouldn't lack a place my king"

" You need to be legally situated and not force yourself except you prefer Vladimir..."

She rolled her eyes "fine  open the portals"

The end

Hi, this has been a long and adventurous journey, filled with laughter, tears etc

And I appreciate you all through this journey in Urania, with our queen, king, Ea, elders and younglings etc.

This is the end of part one😂😂😂, did I get you?, Yes I did😂😂😂

So part two will be in the our world, with Vladimir, Osiris etc

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️So this note is very important.

If you've been here with me for quite longer, you must've realized I am Cameroonian, because I mentioned, that is pure African, I've never been out of my country,so I will write according to my culture but in a more diverse form.

I will not write what I do not know, for example I will write about the British educational system, other English speaking Africans might relate.

I am a Christian, but religion is really not my major way of life and I prefer not writing about it, but maybe some references but I am catholic so it will be difficult.

For my American readers, I follow some shows about your churches, lifestyle I would write base on that mixed with the culture I know.
That goes for all races and any other culture, just mention it in the comment section below, what your country or region is popular for. I might even mention football (soccer), so I am giving it time, help me write about some cultures, we all are curious.

And sorry for our vegetarians, if there's any, I like meat, so most food will have it, I do not know shit about vegetarian diets, recipes etc, I too like meet in all it forms except raw

I am a sensitive reader, meaning if I read something harmful about my community, race, ignorant or not I easily get annoyed so to avoid it for others too.

I remember a very nice book I read here about Egyptian reincarnation and I got pretty annoyed and even didn't finish it because, the author thought ancient Africa or Egypt had AIDs, not trying to talk down on any AIDs patient, but at this point it seems like the African continent always has the worst of everything even if people just ignorantly assume.

So I will want to avoid it here

I am giving room for choice and suggestions.

* Osiris looks(27) biracial but on the darker side
*Vladimir (30) any race you wish but follow his description in part one
*Inside are characters I wish to write about, take your time to choose after the book we will talk more but please keep it in mind
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Eres is an African mother, here in Africa most of us are raised with the Cane, with strict word so please I'm pleading, do not label our mothers strictness as abuse, it happens. But you wouldn't have to worry cause Osiris is old so...

I love you all

I have been so nervous about this second and last part, like I already pictured it before chapter two was even complete.

The real world is scary, this is an escape, so lets not make imaginary world extra complicated.

So, from now till next week bring your suggestions in the comment section, before we go to chapter 54

Choose a town, state, country we should use, the one with the majority, I will do my research on and use.

Any culture is welcomed just make sure it early enough so, I do my researches

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