𝒟𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒸𝓊𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

Mikey, Nakano, and Draken slip into the booth at a nearby diner they had found. Mikey had complained the whole way there, whining about how he wanted food...Though Draken had said he had just eaten an hour before this.

"But I wanna eat with Ken-chin, and Kano-channn!" He had said.

Now upon arrival, Nakano watched as he ordered the kids menu of omurice, while Draken ordered, unfazed. Nakano merely orders a drink, sighing nonchalantly.

"Anyway, you two, I have things to...discuss individually with both of you but now that you're here, I'll just go ahead and address to the matters at hand."

They shared a look and nodded for her to continue.

"First Draken," He flinches and looks away, a slight tint shown in his usually stoic face and body language.


"Never really got to ask, with the, ya know near death experience and all that...but what happened between you and Emma?"

"We broke up," He said simply.

"Did you guys fight? Or anything?"

"Kind of. I guess...we're just not cut out for each other. We ended on a good note though, we're still friends. Plus I think we're both...uh...interested in someone else."


"Ken-chin it better not be-"

"You know WELL that it is," He smirked.

Nakano being the dense idiot, continued to ask questions.

"So who's this special someone huh?"


"Nakano you're an idiot," They said simultaneously, both huffing and blushing at the unaware girl.

She has no idea what she does to us.

"Hah? What did I do?" She asked, tilting her head like a lost puppy.

"Nothing, never mind."

"Well then, Mikey, I wanted to ask you two things, which division am I in?"

"Ah, I would like you to choose, whichever you're most comfortable with," Mikey stated, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I'll think about it and tell you by the end of this week. Anyways I may have some matters to deal with so I may not be present for the next few gang meetings."

"Oh? What type of matters?"

"I'm getting rid of a gang. My fathers to be exact."

"...Kano-chan, all of Toman is one call away if you ever need help. Remember, we're your family."

She smiled at that and got up.

"Thanks guys. I'll be going."

"Where to?" Draken asked curiously.

"I think...I'll go visit Keisuke."

- - -


The grave site in which the Baji family grave was was eerily silent at night. Shadows seemed to stretch further against the setting sun. It was deadly silent, the only sound was Nakano's footsteps crunching on the path leading to Baji's gravestone.

But she wasn't alone.

Sobbing filled the air as she nears the grave. A boy sat in front of the grave, his head lowered, his quiet sobs filled the night.

 A boy sat in front of the grave, his head lowered, his quiet sobs filled the night

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"...Baji-san...come back...please..." He sniffed out.

Chifuyu couldn't help but cry out loud. His friend, his best friend was gone. How could he continue and stay in Toman when the reason he ever joined was for Baji? Who would share his peyoung yakisoba now? Who would he stay with at school? Who would study with him?

An especially cold gust of wind blew and he shivered. Suddenly arms wrapped around him and he froze. Turning his head to see Nakano. He hung onto her tight, like she was his lifeline. They stayed that way until the tears pooling around his eyes had long dried and his breathing had calmed.

She pulled away and Chifuyu found himself missing her warmth. She put her slender fingers on his cheeks, cupping his face and smiling slightly, but that smile never reached her eyes. They held sorrow. Pain. Guilt.

"I'm sorry, Chifuyu. I should've been there. Should've been stronger. And you have to be here, hurt because I wasn't there in time. But whatever you choose to do, I will be here. Always."

He put his hands on hers, resting his cold palms on her warm ones.

"Nakano. It was never your fault. You protected the president. And Baji-san," He paused, his voice cracking. "Baji-san made a decision."

"So thank you. For coming here. And being with me."

With that, she embraced him again. Holding his neck and patting him, tracing circles on his skin.

"Want to go drinking?"

- - -

A drunk Chifuyu falls onto Nakano's lap. His eyes were droopy, a drunken haze settled in his blue irises and a blush evident on his face. He looked up at Nakano.

"You look pretty..."

"Not funny, Chifu."

It wasn't a joke.


hey! thank you everyone for reading!!! we've already beat the 1k that i had set as my goal, and we're now on the road for 2k! thank you so much! please please tell me who you want nakano to end up with bc i rlly dont know at this pointtt. since the next season is coming out ill be waiting to watch it so i can continue writing. the plot from here on will be slightly different tho. but thanks so much! love you guys!

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