𝒜 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝑀𝒶𝓃

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

"Mattaku, heading into Vallhala's base alone. What were you thinking?" Nakano said, at Chifuyu's aid, carrying him to her house. He was heavily wounded, one of his eyes purple and swollen shut. His nose was bleeding as well as his lip and right cheek, not to mention his leg, which was limping. It was safe to say that he got his ass handed to him.

"You're one to talk, you did the exact same thing," He snorted wincing slightly. Chifuyu had his arm slung across Nakano's shoulders, her acting as a crutch.

She's so close. He looked away hiding his blush well.

"...yeah but I was careful," She kicked the door to her apartment open forcefully, she brought him to her room, and laid him gently on the bed. She left to get some bandages and ice water to treat him. By the time he was back she put the led lights on to a faint yellow, giving off a comforting feel to the room.

She cupped his head gently, lifting his head a bit to reveal his forehead, a gash running through it and into his hairline, it was still bleeding but some areas were caked with blood. She dipped the cloth in the ice water and lightly dabbed on the cut. He closed one of his eyes, grimacing a lot, the cold water stung, but he didn't want to move, she was going out of her way to treat him after all.

"We should work together, you know. To get Baji back to Toman."

"I want to but we should give up...the fight is 2 days away," Chifuyu said glumly. He was losing hope, would Baji ever return by his side again?

"That's why...I plan to get him back during the fight."

Chifuyu looked up in surprise.

"Don't lose hope yet Chifuyu, I can't promise you anything, except that I will do everything in my power to get Baji back to you. To us."

"With everything you've done for me, I want to help you, you are my friend. You are important to me. As Baji is important to you."

No Nakano...I have to thank you. For being my one and only person I wish to protect...with my life.

Arigatou na.

- - -

Nakano's POV:

Tonight, Mikey has once again called for a gang meeting, I can only wonder what this is about now. I trudge towards the Musashi Shrine where the other men are gathered, most of them have come to get used to my presence and have long accepted me, though some still doubt me, I hope they will accept me as their own during the clash with Valhalla.

When I arrive I meet up with Takemichi and we have some small talk. I know he's also been working with Chifuyu to get Baji back, I sure hope they have better luck than I do.

"Say...what's going on today, why is there a meeting?" I nudge the man beside me, he looked at me, eyes widening a bit.

"You haven't heard? They say the new 3rd Division captain is being elected today. I wonder who it will be..."

The 3rd division captain already? I thought Mikey would take longer to replace Pah...I guess he had to elect someone, Peh-yan can't be the Division captain forever, he was only temporary. I wonder who he'll pick.

"ATTENTION TOMAN!" Mikey steps up suddenly and everyone quiets down, directing all their attention to Mikey.


"Today we've gathered here for the election of the 3rd captain division election. Pah will not be forgotten, but with the upcoming clash we are in dire need of a division captain so today..."

"We welcome... KISAKI TETTA !"

- - -

Kisaki Tetta?

Beware of the man with the name Kisaki Tetta.

Baji's words ring in my head, his warning chills my spine. So this is the man Baji fought so hard to keep out of Toman is really here. A taller man pushed through the crowd followed by a shorter smaller man around my height. He had slicked blonde hair and golden glasses and earrings. Everything about him seemed dark and ominous despite the gold color he accessorized.

As he passed me and Takemichi, I felt his eyes roam and linger on me for a hot second, he slightly smirked, scoffing, and he continued to make his way to the stage where Mikey stood. Then he flopped down, acting like he owned the place, earning many protests from the members of Toman.


"LISTEN TO MIKEY'S DECISION!" The words barely leave my mouth before everyone turns back to look at me before turning their attention back to Mikey.

"The fight with Vallhala soon approaches, they have over 300 delinquents working for them, we are merely at 100 members, being a new gang we are at a disadvantage. Kisaki was one of the members who fought with Moebius, but we need his help to win this fight."

Murmurs fill the air again.

"Moebius, that gang we fought?"

"That gang's why we lost Pah-chin-san in the first place..."

"He shouldn't be here!"

"DAMARE! If we want to win this, we need his help! LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH, TOKYO MANJI GANG!"

Toman rose their fists in the air, letting out a fierce battle cry.


That's when I notice, that Takemichi isn't standing next to me anymore, he's racing up to the platform. And I realize this too late because I see his fist connecting with Kisaki's face, turning his head to the side.

"NANISHITERUNO? TAKEMICHI?" Draken's voice yells out.

I race up to the platform and give my brother a hard punch, I don't want to, but if I don't I know Kisaki will have his head. I know that was out of line, my eyes show no emotion, I know now is not the time to show weakness or bias, not when Takemichi's life is on the line, as well as Mikey's pride and trust.

"Show some respect, brother. Don't question the president of Toman's choice."

"Why thank you, doll. Why don't you return to your place in the crowd?" Kisaki's voice hisses out and he smirks at me.

"Hai, wakarimashita. Shitsureshimasu." I return to the crowd, standing by Mitsuya's side. I know what's next to come. So I lean on Mitsuya and hazily close my eyes.

"So, would you prefer your stomach or your face?"

"Huh, why? I guess I would go with stoma-"

He never got to finish his sentence, because he was rendered unconscious before he realized what hit him.

- - -

"Draken," I approach him after the meeting ended.

"What's Mikey doing?"

"Wakaranai. But this guy...I got a bad feeling about him. He's a dangerous one."


Heyy its me here. Thank you for everything, been writing a lot more sooo yea. Check out my friends story, she's really cool!


Japanese Words:

Mattaku - Jeez

Arigatou - Thanks (thank you)

Damare - Quiet/Silence

Nanishiteruno? - What are you doing?

Wakarimashita - Understood

Shitsureshimasu - Plese excuse me.

Wakaranai - I don't know

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