𝒮𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓅𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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Takemichi's POV:

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Takemichi's POV:

"Well...my birthmother used to poison my food," Nakano slowly drags out while she stares down at her hands under the table. This was never an easy topic for her. I mean it took her a while to actually even talk to me, don't even mention opening up. When my parents first took her in, she never said a word. Barely ate, barely moved. She barely even breathed.

I remember the day I met her, I was just 5, she was 4. We just found her in front of our house. Dad sent me to my room because she was so bloody and barely holding on to her life, while mom treated her. We were going to call the ambulence but we decided that would just overwelm the poor girl. Somehow she miraculously survived and gained conciousness later that night. I remember going to my parents bedroom because I couldn't sleep, I wanted to ask them about her. Passing the guest bedroom I could barely make out her tiny quiet voice.

"Why did you save me? You don't know me," She tells my parents. Her voice sounded uncertain, timid, but with a twinge of curiosity.

"I can't imagine how much or what you've been through but...you can trust us, we'll do everything we can to help you," My mother replied, her words sounded like she was smiling sadly.

"From now on, you'll be part of our family!" My dad added. From that day on, Nakano was with us, apart of our family, and my sister. I never minded it really, but she was especly close to my father...before he passed on anyway.

"Takemicchi? TAKEMICCHI? Earth to Takemicchi Hanagaki!!" Mikey yells, snapping me from my memories of Nakano and my family.

"O-oh uh sorry! I was just thinking. What were you saying Mikey?" I ask, I really wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the Invincible Mikey and all.

"Geez, I was asking if we could just stay te night since its late already, Nakano said it was alright soooo we just need your permission now, not that I care anyways, I'm staying with Kano-chan. Bleh," Mikey sticks out his tongue. Just like a child, I swear he's a 5 year old at heart.

"I mean yeah sure. Who's room are we sleeping in?" I say, I sure hope it isn't my room. Its currently a mess right now and it has my childhood stuff all over the place there.

"How about my room? Knowing you, Michi, your room is probably a mess, I bet theres not even enough room to lay the futons for our guests!" Oh thank god. Nakano to the rescue!! But wait something feels off...my brain slowly calculates. Wouldn't that mean...NAKANO WOULD BE SLEEPING WITH MEN. NO THAT ABSOLUTELY CAN'T HAPPEN, SHE'S MY BABY SISTER, I WON'T LET THEM-

"TAKEMICHI I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, STOP IT. DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Oh shit she read my mind. Uh oh, I guess I'm just that easy to read huh?

"W-well thats different...." My voice starts out loud only to disapear after seeing my sister's burning glare.

"What are you saying here Michi? Are you saying I would sleep with The Invincible Mikey and Draken who has a girlfriend? Are you making me seem like a slu-" I quickly cut her off before she could continue, switching the topic.

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