Chapter 2 - Dangerous Waters

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The next day, a gleam from the sun shone softly on the best and most expensive college in New York

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The next day, a gleam from the sun shone softly on the best and most expensive college in New York. Riverside's education was top of the line with a number one rating for being the cleanest and most achieving school. Teachers expect the most from every student, they had a massive library, dorms the size of actual apartments, bathrooms that looked like lobbies, and their lunch food- let's just say the cooks always outdid themselves.

My second class of the day was criminology, which I hated because of my immature and childish classmates. I only took the course because it was recommended by the Dean for me to get the rest of my credits to graduate. So, in a way to stay in my own bubble and avoid interactions, I always sat alone in the last row.

I played with the tips of my fingernails while anxiously watching the clock as if time would go faster, but needless to say, the class went on to feel never-ending. The professor took twenty minutes like usual to get his paperwork together, which upset the new student in the row next to me.

"I don't have all day Mr. Patterson." His strong accent caused me to gawk in his direction, sizing him from top to bottom.

Although the man was seated, his height was evident as he towered over the ladies around him who were fangirling at the view. He had dark brown eyes, a thick stubble that perfectly defined his jawline, and tattoo designs that covered parts of the neck, arms, and what I could imagine would also be his chest. He was muscular, making the white shirt he wore compliment his triceps as they were purposely displayed for everyone to see.

The thickness of his black hair looked soft, yet wet, probably because it was styled with gel or he had just taken a shower before school, either way, it looked good on him.

Mr. Patterson postponed what he was doing and scowled at the student.

I noticed the guy was wearing fake glasses while I was staring at him. Nova taught me that if the side of the lens showed no distortion in the contours of the face, they weren't real. Don't get me wrong the man was still extremely charming, but pretending to be intelligent? Definitely not a guy I would go for. Also, it wasn't like I would ever meet him face to face.

"Mateo is it? Stop talking and wait for me to begin the lesson. If you don't want to, I suggest you leave!" Mr. Patterson scolded.

The guy sat up in his chair to fix his posture. "Is your slowness what made your wife divorce you or is it your anger issues?" Mateo spat.

I pursed my lips to hold in laughter. Wow, this man was bold. I haven't said a word to our teacher the whole semester and yet here he was doing it without a second thought.

He might not be so bad after all.

An hour later and the long exhausting course had ended. I quickly gathered my items and stuffed them in my backpack. As I walked out of the classroom I felt a buzz coming from my jeans.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now