An Apology With A Warning

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"Wei Wuxian, heir to the Wei Clan, we apologize for our unwarranted accusations. Wangji is correct. You have passed all of our tests and have done nothing wrong since you arrived in Cloud Recesses. I will ensure that your life is not in danger within the boundaries of Cloud Recesses"

"Master Qiren, there is nothing to apologize for." Wei Ying graciously responded.

"Yes, there is." Lan Zhan added sharply, his voice deep and authoritative.

Wei Ying shivered. How could just a simple change in tone make his insides all warm and skin all tingly? He placed a gentle hand on his jade's arm, asking him to lower Bichen. Lan Zhan turned his head, his golden eyes softening as he obeyed Wei Ying's silent request. Lan Xichen also lowered his sword but the two brothers remained where they were.

Lan Qiren and the elders were still locked in their bows. Wei Ying hated seeing them like that. These were all proud men, men who served their clan and only wanted to protect those they loved. Wei Ying was the enemy. An enemy who controlled a power they barely understood yet feared tremendously. He was the man their beloved Hanguang-jun was going to take as his husband, forever binding Wei Ying to the Lan Clan.

Wei Ying couldn't stay angry with any of them. They had acted in their clan's best interest and had been influenced by resentful energy, something they had no resistance against like his clan did.

He pushed past his two overly protective guardians and placed an understanding hand on Lan Qiren's shoulder. The older man's head snapped up, his steady gaze focused on Wei Ying. One by one, the other elders stood tall once again as well.

"Apology accepted." Wei Ying assured. "However," he said with a wink. "I can tell you still don't fully trust me."

Lan Qiren's eyes wavered for a moment. Wei Ying gave him a bright smile, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

"It's alright. I understand. But I hope that you will keep an open mind about me and my clan. Let your eyes be the witnesses. Your hearts will be your guides. Forget what you know and then you will begin to see the truth."

Lan Qiren's lips parted slightly at the youngster's intuitive nature. He gave a short huff, his face softening ever so slightly.

"I can see why my nephew likes you."

"Loves." Lan Zhan corrected. Wei Ying giggled and leaned back into his jade's expecting embrace. He looked up into those magnificent golden eyes that softened as Lan Zhan placed a lingering kiss on Wei Ying's forehead.

Lan Qiren cleared his throat to draw Wei Ying's attention back to him.

"Trust must be earned, young master Wei. I agree that you have passed all of our tests. So, for now, you are safe here in Cloud Recesses. But, I will be watching you. Resentful energy is bad for the body and soul. You say you can control it. But that's today. What about tomorrow? Or the day after?"

Lan Qiren paused. Wei Ying knew what the older man was trying to do but he refused to back down or second guess himself. He had been living with resentful energy his entire life. He knew how to deal with it and the aftereffects of using it. And now, with Lan Zhan next to him, Wei Ying was even more confident that he could control his power.

He squared his shoulders and raised his chin confidently. Lan Qiren hesitated. Wei Ying sensed Lan Zhan behind him. A strong hand gracefully took his and encased it protectively. His jade moved next to him, their shoulders touching lightly. Wei Ying was so proud of Lan Zhan for standing up to his uncle. Yet he was also sad that his jade was having to choose sides. Family versus him. Wei Ying never wanted that.

Lan Qiren walked around the couple slowly. His gaze was judgemental. When he returned to stand in front of them, Wei Ying's silver eyes brightened with his determination to be the proud heir of the Wei Clan.

Solstice Souls Book 2: Black Fire, White FlameWhere stories live. Discover now