49. Comfort

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Third update for today, May 23rd.  I don't think my supportive proofreader got to this chapter and definitely not beyond it.  The next three chapters will be updated as soon as she gets through them.  

     Winston came to the same conclusion himself. "I believe so. I don't know how and never found the way there myself."

     Rain felt like she was stung. She knew Winston had searched for her mother, but didn't think deeply on it. It struck her now. He would have followed her mother into another world. That made her feel sour.

     Isabella's brain was a scrambled mess. She received way too much information at once. Her head couldn't sort it all out and she asked without thinking, "So there are more humans here? I can go home?"

     Winston watched the confused female intently. He was going to have to tell her some hard news. "The only human I ever met, besides you, was Bai. I do not know how she returned to her world and did not find that answer after years of searching."

      Isabella felt herself crumble. She had held herself together well. At least, she thought she was doing great considering her situation. Out of nowhere, she received hope only to have it crushed just as fast. She couldn't stop herself from bawling her eyes out.

      The beasts were all taken aback by Isabella's sobs. Even Rain's heart twisted. She hadn't seen anyone cry like that and it hurt to watch. Rain didn't know what to do. She never tried to soothe another and stood around uselessly.

     Ezra had heard the whole conversation, but didn't really follow. When the warm female started crying, Ezra didn't know what it meant. He was the first to approach her and poked her cheek. He never saw tears before. The warm female didn't acknowledge him and he stood baffled. Tears tasted like ocean, but slightly less salty.

     Rain yanked the male away with her tail. She may not know how to comfort a female, but she was sure that Ezra was doing it wrong. Rain sent a lost expression to Harvey and Brice. Harvey had a lot of experience with females and Brice was naturally social. Winston made Isabella cry, so he wasn't reliable.

     Harvey and Brice both tried to pacify Isabella. Rain tried to take notes in her head. Neither one of them were successful. Rain didn't think her observations would help.

     Rain approached the female cautiously. She settled down next to Isabella and awkwardly patted her back. She stared at Harvey's eyes asking for guidance. This experience would make her top three most uncomfortable experiences ever.

     Harvey warmed some water and dipped a cloth in it. He handed it to Rain who gingerly tried to wipe the female's face. She had seen another female do this to her female cub and did her best to mimic it.

     Rain thought it couldn't get worse, but Isabella proved her wrong. Rain looked down to find the other female sobbing into her collar. Rain looked to the sky and resigned herself. She hoped Isabella would get it out of her system sooner than later.

      Winston had a rare look of regret on his face. He didn't mean to make Isabella cry, but he didn't want to keep it from her either. Winston decided his presence was hurtful and quietly left. He took Rain's shed and winced slightly. It wasn't something that could easily be replaced, but she gave it anyway. He would use it well and find her something nice as an apology.

      Harvey tried his best to support Rain in her time of need, but he didn't think he was doing well. It was hard for males to watch females cry, let alone sobbing. He had never seen a female so sad aside from old, dying ones. Harvey was more sympathetic than the others. He could tell how much it hurt the female to be unable to return home. He couldn't offer a solution either.

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