29. The Morning After

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     Rain watched her mate intently.  His golden, long hair was messy and his beautiful blue eyes stared at her with wonder.  His cheeks were still flushed from their activity and his body was covered in her marks of possession.

     Rain felt a mixture of emotions.  She was happy, content, and warm.  Harvey humored her male-like actions and even enjoyed himself, of that she was certain.  Smiling smugly, Rain peeked at Harvey from her position in his embrace.  She still had plenty of energy since she had napped earlier.  Her muscles ached, but not enough to stop her.

     Sensing something amiss, Harvey shivered.  He certainly wasn't opposed to a continuation, but he could smell food cooking and wanted to be certain Rain ate.  He could tell by the moonlight that filtered in through the window, that it must be early morning the following day.

     Harvey hadn't noticed the passage of time.  Blushing heavily, Harvey recalled what just happened.  He felt embarrassed at his lack of knowledge.  His family had abandoned him as a cub and he was never taught how to pleasure a female.  He was certain that whatever he could have learned would not have matched with what had occurred.  His mate was very aggressive.

     Before Rain could think about any additional exercise, a knock at the door sounded.  Scenting the air, she knew it was Winston.  Rain looked down at her current state.  Only a couple of marks graced her body.  She hadn't let Harvey take control long enough to do more.  She glanced lower, stopping at the the bright gold leopard mark that sat above her navel.

     Further down she noticed her tail.  She had thought it may be necessary to fully shift her bottom half to mate and had done so at one point last night.  To her surprise, Harvey did not seem to mind one way or the other.  Glancing again at her newly acquired mate, she had to hold herself back.  They had plenty of time and there was no need to rush.

     Rain retrieved her discarded top that had somehow landed a floor below and put it on.  Harvey found his bottom some distance from her top and dressed as well.  Rain opened the wooden door to see Winston standing with a large and full basin of water.  Rain did not purposefully notice how his muscles were flexed, but saw anyway.  Uncomfortable with that new feeling resurfacing, Rain looked away before moving so Winston could pass.

     Winston had unintentionally flexed his muscles in restraint.  The whole den smelt of their coupling and it made him uncomfortable.  He placed the tub down and quickly left.  He did notice the marks on both of their bodies, but pretended he hadn't.

     Harvey observed the tension between the two.  He wasn't sure what to make of it and wasn't confident that Rain would speak to him about it.  He wasn't going to push, but he would remind her that he would always be there to hear her out.

     Rain made sure that Harvey followed her to the bathroom.  Harvey attempted to bathe her when Rain dragged him in.  They creatively 'bathed' until the water turned cool and Harvey insisted that they eat.  Rain wasn't sure why she felt so suddenly frustrated, but was grateful that Harvey was there to alleviate her.  Once they dressed, the newly mated pair descended to the first floor.

     On the dining room table that Winston had built, sat four bowls of stew and a large plate of sliced meat.  Winston knocked again.  After receiving permission to enter, both he and Third walked in.  Third carried a small bowl of washed berries while fidgeting.

     Third's eyes shot towards the pair.  He assessed his sister and her new mate.  Third thought he might need to beat up the weaker leopard, but was glad it wasn't necessary.  The leopard had more bruises than Rain, making Third feel conflicted. Should he beat up his sister?  Clearly, Harvey was more of the victim here.  Harvey was practically glowing and didn't look like he lost anything he didn't want to, so Third decided to just leave them alone.

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